
Firstly, if you’re not already watching Glee, you’d better have a damn good excuse because it’s sheer brilliance. Last night’s Madonna episode was fantastic, Sue’s Vogue was right up there with the football team’s Single Ladies. I love this show. Seriously, watch it.

Anyway, I’m kind of heading out of the ‘look like I’ve eaten too many pies’ into pregnancy bump stage. Someone asked me in the playground last week if I was pregnant, so I guess I’m starting to look it. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and see pregnancy bump, sometimes I just see fat. Meh. For those who aren’t on facebook, or aren’t friends with me on facebook (why not?) or who just don’t bother to read my updates ( :p) we had our 20 scan last week, and the week before as well. First time round, Zoe and Duncan came with me and after a little wriggle, baby settled into position and wouldn’t move, particularly wouldn’t open the legs so we couldn’t tell the sex and the sonographer also couldn’t get a proper look at everything, so I had to go back last Thursday. Unfortunately, this time I had to go on my own as Duncan had to go to Birmingham with work for the day and I didn’t fancy taking Zoe with me on my own, as she gets bored really easily (not hard to see why, I can see why it’s not the most riveting tv for a 3 yr old). Anyway, this time baby was a bit more co-operative. They could see everything they needed to, and baby is all OK. They then tried to see the sex, baby instantly put hand between legs, talk about shy! Eventually, they managed to see and said they couldn’t see boy bits so they thought it was a girl. If it they’d said boy, that would have been fantastic (although I’ve never seen myself with boys, but I think that’s from coming from such a big girl orientated family, 6 of us but only 1 boy), but we are equally delighted we’re having another girl. Unfortunately, Duncan’s mum didn’t see it quite that way when he told her on Sunday… "Oh, well, that’s nice, but there’s always next time." Bah.

In other news… what is there? My life revolves around Zoe, trying not to fall asleep & attempting to finish my studies, or get them to a nearly finished point before September. I’ve been somewhat hampered by the NCT raising the price of the course making it much less attractive in these straitened times, but hopefully I’ll get there eventually. I have no motivation really. It’s only the impending tutorials that make me get off my ass. This time last week I had no essay written but I managed to write something by Friday night ready to hand in at tutorial yesterday. I need more motivation.

Zoe is mostly awesome. She’s funny, caring and delightful at times but there also days when I feel all I do is shout at her or have to give her negative attention. She totally loves nursery and is now wearing the uniform, like everyone else. (Must upload the photos, she looks gorgeous). She’s really coming on with her letters and numbers and *smug proud mother moment* has been moved to the school-bound group. There are 2 groups within the nursery, those going to school in September this year and those who will be at nursery another year, Zoe’s in the latter group. The school-bound kids do letters and word sounds at one point during the session with one teacher and the others just seem to do singing, according to Zoe. I asked them about encouraging/helping her towards starting to read because she seems so ready and they acknowledged that she probably was and have moved her over to do the letter/word sound sessions with the slightly older kids and she seems to really love it, is certainly talking about it at home. I am so wary of being pushy mum with her, especially as I don’t want her to be bored when she finally starts school in 2011, but she certainly seems to love it, so I’m going with it right now.

Until there is a next time…

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I had to laugh at Duncan’s mum’s reaction…wtf is wrong with that woman?!

April 28, 2010

I am so looking forward to Glee starting again – it is on Tomorrow night I think! YAY!!! *hugs*

June 29, 2010

RYN: I’m just not savvy enough to manage the whole whip out the boob and get the baby on without a massive amount of flesh being exposed. I’m content with the pumping to nourish and the breast feeding to comfort in the privacy of my home. And, as long as he keeps remembering how to feed from the breast, on the off chance that I’m ever caught without a bottle, I can still put him on the breast andhave him be satisfied. I’m not prudish (about the boob thing), I just don’t know if the laws here are different than back in the United States… and I’d rather not find out the hard way. Plus, I don’t want every single person seeing my boob if I can help it.