Do I believe in Soulmates?

Yes, absolutely!

This comes up often in my Psychic Counseling sessions. When the 2 of Cups or 6 of Cups show up in my Tarot Cards it almost always represents ‘Soul Mates’. According to my guides Soul Mates are as follows…

Souls that have traveled together, studied together played together, etc. while still out of body in the Universe, Heaven, etc. Sometimes they are born into body close to the same time and sometimes they are not. We may or may not meet them again in our lifetimes but when we do we ‘know’ because the attachment is strong, intense. When we end up in a relationship with a Soul Mate it can be the most passionate and the most chaotic of relationships. You DON’T need to be in a relationship with a Soul Mate to be on love.

Have you ever been walking down the street and locked eyes with a total stranger and thought “do I know you?” THAT would be a Soul Mate.


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