October Already!!

Wow!  Has it really been almost 3 months since I last jotted anything down?  *sigh*  What can I say???  Spent August squeezing in some vacation time before the 9 months of agony begins.  You know???  September???  S C H O O L!!!!  Ack!

Hey… I just realized somthing…  There are 9 months of school, sounds familiar??  It takes 9 months to harbor and give birth to a child.  So I wonder who came up with that co-ink-eee-dink?

Usually by the time school starts?  I’m happy as a clam to have the kids back in the hole.  This time though, it sure did’nt take long before I found myself back in school again.  I work 8 hours a day Mon – Fri.  Each night I come home I spend another 2 hours or so helping each child with homework.  And Math??!!  Ohhhhh Lordy!!!  I fianally had to break down and get a tutor for my son.

I suppose it’s not as bad as all that.  I actually enjoy helping my youngest with most of his stuff.  There are just some nights that I’m tired is all.  *yawns*

Sooooo… I was just outside and I can tell the weather had definitly changed, heading toward the pending winter.  There is a certain smell to the air, you know?  Everyone thinks of something different, calls it something else.  My oldest son says it smells like the mountains.  I have always said "It smells like Christmas" 

Next weekend I’ll rummage through my storage and get out my halloween decorations.  Gotta get ready for Samhain, the witches New Year!! 

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