Hello, my name is…

…not Ramona. I stumbled upon this website and thought I should give the 30 day trial a go, I like the idea of anonymously opening up to strangers. So, I would like to informally introduce myself. My name is, like I said, not Ramona but it’s what I’ll go by, I’m within the age range of 18-25 and currently have a lot going on in my life. I’ve always been better at writing my feelings rather than talking about them so using this platform doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. I’m going to challenge myself and write one post a day for the next 30 days and decide where to go from there. If anyone actually reads this, maybe you’ll stick around.



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March 24, 2018

Welcome to Open Diary, we are glad to have you here! 🙂

March 24, 2018

Hello Ramona, nice to make your acquaintance. There is something liberating about being anonymous and exposed if you’ll excuse the expression. Looking forward to reading your thoughts.

March 24, 2018

Welcome! 😊 I’m sorry you’re going through stuff. I’m the same in being better at writing my feelings out. Open diary is a really good place for your thoughts and is a nice community. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

By the way.. Ramona Flowers, I just recently watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World again after not seeing it in years and I was so mad! haha I have an ex-boyfriend who quoted it to death and totally ruined it for me. I was like, really?? Couldn’t go like 5 minutes without SOMETHING making me think of him *smh* Don’t know why you care to know this of course, your name just reminded me of it.

Anwyays, looking forward to hearing your story 🙂

March 24, 2018

Welcome! I stumbled into this site in 1999 and loved. Eventually though other forms of online writing took off and I left. But I am glad to be back.

March 24, 2018

Welcome 🙂