Ah yes, my crush, My crush is a girl, just like me, yep thats right im a lesbian. Ive had a crush on her since febuary 14, 2020 or a few weeks before that. My crush, lets call her Zoe. Zoe is the first thing i think of when i think of someone beautiful. She has curly- ish, messy, ginger hair, she has more of a dark hazel eyes, shes kind, sweet, smart, giving, and beautiful. I know what your thinking, what kind of cheezy romatic is this.? Well ill tell you. i started questing my feelings about Zoe in the begining of december. She gave me gifts. they were in christmas bags (the gifts were given to me after december) they were clothes, and little kids toys. i still think till this day what happend to her and im lowkey scacred. she is adopted you can say. but she always looked deppresed in a way. and that made me worried so i sat next to her ever since september 2019 when i met her. but on febuary my feelings for her were conformed. she asked me if i wanted any roses and how many i said i dont know and then I realized the school was selling roses at school, so a week before valentines day ibought her 2 roses since i lost all my money in my wallet. but thats a diffrent story. but on the day of valentines, i hada dentist appointment. but i also arrived to school late.but when i got my stuff and headed to my 1st period my teacher said to zoe to give me my flowers that she gaveme, and when she gave me those our hands touched. i smiled so wide i wished i could’ve kissed her right there but i respect her space. Did I mention she was bi sexual. and after i go home with the roses i cared for them as much as i could but i dont have a green thumb,so they died. There was also this time when we were going home and she was riding the bus and i always rode the bus. but when we said bye she hugged me. i felt sooooooo happy and in love. She started huging me alot at school but sadly i thought nothing of it at the time so i just brushed it off as a joke. until she started to flirt with me. by complimenting my hair and my eyes. i never blushed so hard in my life. And then our friend, addie, ( hes trans male he/him) he started to say that we should date and im blushing like crazy saying lol no, but in my mind im like how the fuck do you know about my crush. but thats it so far, but now im sitting here in my room at 1:05 am thinking about her. i still love her, although we both moved schools im still trying to find her. and today i called her at 11:54 at night but someone hung up on me. did i mention that she said since her phone was taken away she wontbbe able to contact us because our old groupchat said “demon sacerfices” andher “parents” are veryyy religous. anyways ima head backto snoozing. adios!

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September 9, 2020

I wish you all the luck with Zoe. 😃