Internet 1.0

I ended up here during the halcyon days of the internet. I had just purchased my first Gateway computer at affordable monthly payments of 40 dollars a month with a 40 percent interest rate insuring I would never pay it off.

I was excited. The internet was new…to me. Open Diary was a way to connect in a lonely world. I chose my comic sans font and a cool background, the one with the circuits probably, and off I went. After about 2 entries I realized I had nothing interesting to say. Or at least I had no way of making my shitty life sound interesting. My self expression was unimaginative. Probably still is. Nonetheless. Here I am.

The internet is different. No more Hotbot, Geocities, Google with a Times New Roman font, internet that screeches like a banshee when you try to connect. I miss the freedom and the newness. Now, well it is what it is. I’m glad open diary is back. This is place I can share things I won’t tell my friends.

Log in to write a note
February 8, 2018

Gosh, I miss Geocities and that circuit board background. Don’t miss Comic Sans though 🙂

February 8, 2018

@thediarymaster but what better way to let the world know you have something to say with a sense of whimsy? Comic Sans. That’s how.

So instead of me boring you with all the many questions I have, will there be a faq page for the many q’s I have? Just wondering. Have a great day!

February 9, 2018

@redplasticactionhero there is a Help index, you can find it on the main menu. And nothing personal to Comic Sans, every font has a place in this world, no matter how trite 😉

February 8, 2018

Its funny about talking about the background you probably picked etc. Thats a good way to remember it. Back in the heyday of OD when you really cared about the look of the diary, what font you chose, figuring out the HTML codes etc.

Hope you are able to be back on OD and find some ways to share things and write freely

February 8, 2018

Ah, the good old days! Welcome back.

I noticed your Q response to the DM. If he hasn’t gotten back to you, there is a vast help index you can access by clicking on your picture icon (upper right on screen) and select “Help” from the bottom of the drop-down menu.

Also, if you back-read through the DM’s diary, you can read about features that may not be activated, but are “on the list” to be released. That way you don’t have to he the ten thousandth person to ask, “Where the hell is the search feature?” Perhaps I numerically exaggerate. Slightly.

Anyway, ENJOY. 😃

February 9, 2018

I had a geocities. “The Place Where All Your Lost Things Go.” It had frames. Frames!!!

February 12, 2018

At first I read flames. Geocities probably had that as well. I don’t know. I was always reading about it burnt never joined. If your going to paint a picture, why not frame it?

February 12, 2018

I can honestly say that I learned how to write by writing here on OD (not that I am a great writer or anything). My first diary was started on diaryland and I remember struggling to get 100 words down. Then about a year later, I was looking for something a little more robust and interactive –> OD. Man o man the early years saw me through two countries, three jobs and five years.

February 12, 2018

The early years were dark times for me. I clung to OD just to read. I’m glad it’s back. Glad you’re back too.

Heres to the future.