Hectic week catching up

made the most of this ‘in between jobs’ and went to visit my family in Wales last week. Having made sure there was enough food in the house and laundry done to cover my time away. I called in to Brum on the way to see my son, just a flying visit as I was passing. Had a cuppa and then took him shopping to top up on a few bits. Carried on to Wales. The first time I was going to stay over at my sisters, as she was having a small party for her best friend, but as it turned out, she had also invited my mum and her new ‘gentleman friend’ It was a good evening. Drank a fair bit, but not enough to get drunk, lots of nibbley food. The fella seems really lovely, and although I’m happy for my mum for finding someone who makes her laugh, it was still very strange to see her cwtch’d up to him giving each other little kisses.  I slept on my sisters sofa, although I didn’t sleep a lot as it was so hot! I think she had left the heating on, thinking I would get cold lol. Thoughtful of her, but too hot to sleep.

The morning arrived and we were all up early as my sister and her hubby had to go to work. My mum arrives to take the kids to school, and I’m out of the house by 9.15. I take a nice scenic drive to Porthcawl, stopping briefly to call into a pottery shop. My parents have some of this pottery, the place has been going for years and I’ve always wanted something. It’s quite expensive but what the hell, I buy myself a little vase, and I’m a happy bunny 🙂

I spend some time driving around Porthcawl, looking at places I knew from when I was a kid ( my aunt lived there and it was a regular place to visit) I parked close to where she used to live and then walked into town, through the residential streets. Wow, it was surprising just how much I remembered. Some of the little alleyways, and such. Real blast from the past! I haven’t been into the town for a long time, so just took a walk down the main shopping street. Obviously it’s changed a fair bit from how I remember it, but as main streets go, it was quite pleasant. Lots of shops open, quite a lot of people, despite the rain and wind! I called into a few shops and bought a few bits, then walked back to my car via the prom. The sea was rough, the rain got worse, but you know what? I absolutely loved it.

Next stop was to call in and see my brother, well he’s actually my half brother, it’s  complicated, I may explain in another entry lol.  Had a cuppa with him, and a catch up natter. He has just had to have a biopsy done on a small growth that was on his upper lip, so he still had a scab there. He’s waiting for results.

After I left, I had a slow scenic drive back towards my mums house. Although it took a little longer than I thought and I was so desperate for a pee, I stopped off at a macd’s before I burst, smelled the burgers and thought ‘what the hell!’ Lol.  Arrived at mums, dropped my stuff off, she wasn’t in, which I’d expected, she visits her sister most days ( my aunt has Parkinson’s, so my mum does a lot to help her out, and visits most days as my aunt is mostly housebound now) I walked down to my aunts and we had another catch up natter. My aunt looks tiny and quite frail, but she still acts and sounds like herself, aside from her just sitting and a slight tremor to her hands. It was lovely to spend some time with her without having to rush off.

Will carry on later, as I’ve rambled on enough for now!




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October 15, 2019

I like the choice of words you use…..They seem to be not American or Canadian…..I have never heard cuppa or natter to explain coffee and talking.