xxxx sleep xxxx

i’m very excited to report that joaquin emerged from the latest sleep regression rather quickly and fell almost immediately into a new pattern of sleep wherein he no longer wakes up at 4a-ish for a feeding session.  in fact, he typically goes to sleep somewhere around 8p each night and doesn’t wake up again until 6:30a!    

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it seems like A LOT of babies do this A LOT sooner than joaquin learned how to do it (maybe because i continued to enable his 4a feeding), but it seems like a blessed miracle that our baby is finally doing it.   i had no idea how awesome it could be to have a baby that slept more than 8 hours at a time — and now he’s averaging 11 hours per night (sometimes 12!)  

additionally, his naps are getting longer and are more effective.   he’s becoming more and more alert to EVERYTHING around him, he’s super sensitive to our moods and body language (even more than before) and he seems to UNDERSTAND so much more now.   he’s in a development leap at the moment, and apparently this leap is more about putting things back together vs. tearing things apart.  should be very interesting.


favorite food:  BLUEBERRIES.  want to eat all of the bluberries.  in FACT: his butt is actually stained a blu-ish hue due to the sheer amount of blueberries he consumes and then… poops.

favorite tv show:  yo gabba gabba.   loves, loves, loves.

favorite new game:  remove the cushions and pillows from the big chair and create a climbing-mountain situation with the ottoman.  i really should show a pic of this.  stay tuned.

favorite saying:   "da-da-da-da-da-da"

favorite animal:  my brother/sister-in-law’s english bulldog, daisy.   


more to come.

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SWEET, SWEET SLEEP! I’m so happy you’re all finally getting it! That’s Celia’s sleep schedule and I told my friend yesterday that I really don’t feel THAT TIRED during the day. I mean, no more tired than I was before she got here. And yes, I’m going to need to see a photo of his mountain climbing abilities. Also: question! When did you start feeding him hard foods? I was thinking of getting Celia those dissolvable cereal type snacks because I feel like she’s ready (she’ll be 7 months next week OMG!)

Blue butted baby!!! Hooray for sleep! I am not taking any of my napping for granted now, in the name of all you mamas with young babies. And to store up my energy for the future. I also want to see mountain climbing Joaquin!

ryn: as soon as i realized it, i couldn’t help but enjoy the smug look on his face right up to the very second that JChen announced HE was evicted. i had an immediate and overwhelming hatred for that guy and it was so awesome to see him as the second person evicted. made my night!

July 14, 2013

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm love blueberries! It’s good you’re recording this stuff… it’s a very special time as I’m sure everyone keeps telling you!!! But it really is true 🙂

I honestly don’t know how tall (long lol) she is, I mark her height every month on the wall but have never measured it! Must do tomorrow. She was 18.4 at her six month. Her biggest (har har) “problem” is her chunky legs! The diapers are loose around her waist but her thighs keep Hulking out of them!