Procrastination and starting my next life…

Oh the procrastination is REAL.

I have so much work that needs to be done. And no motivation to do it. Usually my last minute, “oh crap, this govt report is due, HURRY-UP” Mode is FIRE. But not now.

I have packing to be done. And it’s a hot mess right now.

And I have plans from now until I pick up Eric on Sunday.

I think if I don’t sleep I can accomplish some of it. But I am actually sleeping well this week and enjoying it. Go figure.

One of my hearing aids died today and there’s no way to fix it before our trip. So I’ll be a month or so without it. And I am freaking out. I have come to rely on it so much. The idea of the isolation again is so depressing.

Eric’s response to my pain and stress is amazing. I love him so much. I am so excited to go on vacation and start this next chapter together.

More later – for now – work.

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