Thyroid – Cancer Worries

It’s been a long couple of months and I still have awhile to go to figure out my health issues. Maybe 13 years ago, give or take, I had a benign thyroid nodule that was aspirated. Nothing really was required after that. My thyroid function had been normal. About 2 years ago, I had my bloodwork come back with very low TSH, but all my other thyroid functions were normal, so the dr said nothing needed to be explored further. I had started to notice that my nodule was back in the last year. I can feel it with my hands, a little of the laryngitis I would get years ago that lead to the aspiration, and about 2 months ago I was having some trouble swallowing. During a visit with a new PCP to establish care, she noticed my nodule and ordered an ultra sound. It’s 3.4cm – so about 1.3 inches. It’s fairly large. The ultra sound categorizes it as highly suspicious of malignancy. I had been referred to an endocrinologist for a biopsy. Getting in has been hell. Originally I was told the earliest was January (from June!) After being referred “stat” because of my lab findings, they were able to fit me in at the end of August. I did some bloodwork with my PCP, and my TSH is non existent. All other thyroid function is normal. After those results came in, my PCP scheduled my for a Thyroid Uptake Scan. It’s a two-day test. I have to go tomorrow and get an injection of something radioactive. And then go back exactly 24-hours later for photos. I have had to be on a no iodine diet for 3 days leading up to the tests. No going out to eat at all, no dairy, no bread, no seafood, no soy, no red dye, no egg yolks, no chocolate, no salt, no additives like carrageen or agar-agar, no kelp, and no seaweed. It has really thrown a wrench in my normal diet. The protein shake I drink every morning is nixed. I didn’t realize how much I depend on a little sea salt to flavor my food! I eat seafood usually at least once a day! Even the dairy is trickier than I expected. While it’s not a large part of everyday food for me, when I have to switch up what I eat, I would probably use cheese or yogurt or other dairy.

After my PCP got back my lab results and scheduled the uptake scan, I ended up on a even higher priority list and the endocrinologist called me and was able to fit me in next week.

I feel like it’s probably not cancer. Thyroid cancer is pretty rare and I’ve had a benign nodule before, so I am hopeful that this is all it is again.

However, I have come to realize that my thyroid is not functioning correctly. I went back and looked at  my TSH from 2018. 2021 and 2023 and it keeps getting lower and lower…now it’s LESS THAN .01 – so it basically is non existent. I have been struggling with sleep and my mood. I have felt irrationally upset by things that logically I don’t understand my emotional response to. When I shared this with my therapist she pointed out that my thyroid not functioning properly can cause depression, anxiety, sleep issues, mood problems, my pulse to race, etc. All things I struggle with.

So even if it’s not cancer, I worry that they’ll want to remove my thyroid. And that comes with a host of concerns.

I know Eric is worried too. He has been very reassuring though that we’ll get through this together. I needed to hear that from him.

I wish I could sleep through the next few weeks until I have all the answers.

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