
I’m having that tightness in my chest again that is a sign of anxiety. I had been feeling better these last couple days but today it’s all coming back. Why can’t my mood just stay decent for a while instead of being a constant rollercoaster? I can’t control it no matter how hard I try. I can go from being in a relatively happy mood, singing and dancing around the house, to wanting to cry and curl up in a ball in a matter of MINUTES.


Let’s be real for a minute. I know part of the reason I’m feeling the way I am feeling and I really wish it wasn’t the case. It’s because -he- hasn’t talked to me today. We did our daily snap pics…but he didn’t bother to attempt any conversation like we do every other day. I could very easily message him, oh yes I could. But that isn’t a guarantee that I’ll feel better. You see, I am always the one reaching out to him and wanting to talk and hang out. I ALWAYS want to talk to him. I have feelings for him but it’s a difficult situation. I know he cares about me but that’s about all I know. Just for once I want HIM to want to reach out and talk to me, instead of me feeling like I’m forcing the conversation on him.


But it is so difficult to hold off on messaging him. I made a deal with myself that I was going to back off this week, give him some space and see if he makes any attempt at all to contact me if I don’t do it first. Today is the first day all week that we haven’t spoke to each other. (oh my phone just went off…oh what a surprise. He actually messaged me!) <— Most likely the reason for that is he saw the pic on my snap story. So that doesn’t mean he had the intention of messaging me. I’m being ridiculous, maybe. But my entire life I have always been the one to put effort into my friendships/relationships. For once I’m just looking for some effort in return that shows I am important to them as well.


It’s busy at work today. Considering how slow it has been with 5+ minutes between calls and now it’s like the usual 2 minutes… I’m annoyed haha. Every time the phone rings I want to scream. I’m just not in the mood to take phone calls right now. But I get through it. I have one more week before I have a week vacation and I get to visit my parents. That means I will actually get out of this house I have barely left since the beginning of March and get away from my roommate who has been driving me crazy. That’s a whole other story.


It’s weird to be back on this site…OpenDiary was my very first online diary when I was in high school…and that was like 20 years ago. haha. I thought I’d come back for a bit just so I have somewhere to vent my feelings so I’m not actually keeping them inside. I feel the people around me are getting sick of my mood swings and something always being wrong.  Yeah…I’m sick of it to. It’s a process. I’m trying to work on it. In the meantime, I try my best to not take it out on other people. Especially him. I ask too much of him. He is a good guy and my expectations are just too high. It’s not his fault.


I guess that’s enough for now. 2 hours remaining at work so hopefully it slows down so I don’t go too crazy by the end of the night!

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May 29, 2020

There is nothing wrong with feeling a wide range of emotions every day – it’s part of being human. Just remember:


Emotions are gauges, not guides.

I wonder if the people around you are even aware of your emotional highs and lows. How skilled are you at communicating them? A hard lesson for me was realizing that others have exactly no idea what I’m experiencing unless I tell them.

Sounds like you already know that lowering your expectations is the wise thing to do – I agree.

As far as wanting others to reciprocate, I totally understand this desire. I often feel … unwanted. I decided a long time ago though that I will be the friend/companion/leader that I’ve always needed. I will use my unique God-given skill set to benefit others regardless of reciprocation.

I’ve learned over the years to not put all my eggs in one basket, meaning, I work at getting my needs for connection and belonging met in a variety of ways. And, I have to consistently work at communicating my needs (and boundaries) to the people around me. It was really scary at first, and still is sometimes, but it’s very liberating and I feel less and less that I am betraying myself when I speak my needs clearly – even if they go unmet. I find my ultimate fulfillment and joy in Christ, who has set me free to Love.

I pray peace and joy and blessings for you on your journey. May the answers you need present themselves.