
Sam has gone up to Cairns for the weekend, for her brother’s 21st. She had to get up at 4am this morning, to catch a 6:30am flight. Sinjay didn’t know about her plans and seemed extremely interested in hearing all about them *rolls eyes* Just something I notice about him. I don’t think even HE notices how INTERESTED he actually sounds when the topic concerns SAM. Meh.

So it means I get my little house all to my little self today ! I am very excited about that. It means I get the internet all to my little self today too lol. Although I will be popping over to Lynette’s soon, for a catch-up. Ty is getting very active and he is also very naughty. But he is getting very active and it means I hear him a lot more than I used to. I hear her play with him, or get mad at him, laugh with him etc. I love the way she laughs lol, it’s contagious – makes you want to laugh too. Lynette, although somewhat boring, is quite loveable lol.

I had my 36wk check-up today, at the hospital. Sinjay came along – I picked him up from his work and dropped him back off. The midwife measured the belly but did not mention whether she is a big baby or not. I don’t want to ask any further – I don’t want to focus on the unnecessary. My body is made for giving birth just fine – and give birth it will. All seems okay, she just mentioned I should take an iron supplement. I’ve been told this before, but I am SO slack when it comes to supplements. But I will have to get my act together in that regard.

It was good to have Sinjay there. Good for him to see what I go through at these check-ups. And good for him to see just how SLOW I am walking these days! lol. He kept asking, "Are you okay?" and offered to drive to his work to "give me a break". He doesn’t realise I do it all when he’s NOT around, and that although I’m a little breathless or straining to walk up a bit of a hill, I am for the most part just doing what I do ! lol. He was very amorous with me on the way back to the car, just holding me close to him, and leaning his head against me. I think he sees me as this delicate little woman, whom he loves obviously. I don’t think he’s seen me that way before. Not before the pregnancy… ever, I don’t think.

We have a "movies and pizza" night with Justin & Lynette this Saturday night. I muse at how we used to bitch about them because they seemed so "old" and so "settled" and the most exciting thing they ever seemed to get up to was "movies at home on a Saturday night" (we’d tease, with teaseful voice and pulling faces). And now we are in the same boat. We have finally gotten to that "boring" stage in life, where movies in on a Saturday night really IS the most exciting thing you get up to. It’s kinda lame. But hay. We are officially "old". Lol. (Somebody shoot me)

Anyhow, I am really looking forward to it *nods*

On Monday I’m catching up with Deity and I’m taking her to Ikea – she’s never been before! So it’ll be exciting I think.

And on the Friday next week, I’ll be catching up with Jode. So that’ll be nice.

Cath and Nat came over last night – because Cath had ordered Tupperware off Kelly, and I had the Tupperware to pass onto her. Nat did bring me the baby bassinet after all lol. I’m not sure I care for it now. I’m not sure I’ll even use it : S

Cath said that we should "have lots of sex" in these last few weeks because it "helps the vagina stretch" lol. She said it doesn’t hurt. I assume she meant that it does not hurt the baby.

As for me, sex DOES hurt these days. The rare times we TRY to indulge, it is a very slow, careful and wary process. Yes, that’s right – YAWN. Hence, I can’t be bothered much. If anything, it half puts me off, and I think it half puts Sinjay off. If there’s one thing we DO have in common – is lack of patience in the bedroom lol. I’ve read that you have to be "creative" with sex during pregnancy. Meh – stuff that. Creativity in that regard is a bore.

In any case, I have to start stretching the perineum. The idea was for Sinjay to help me out with this of course, but I really don’t think we have the time and energy for it these days. So I will be attempting it on my own.

And I’m also going to concoct some Raspberry Leaf Tea, which helps soften the cervix, and also helps with healing after Labour.

Yeah… It’s all on. There’s many things to do "to prepare". Many things.

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March 20, 2010

Hellaw. Just letting you know I’ve caught up on entries since I last noted up until this entry. I have shootloads of uni work to do though, so this is where I’ll stop for now!