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May 12, 2013

I have wanted to die do many times and all I can say is that I am glad I am alive today. I wish you love and peace in your life. It gets better, I swear.

May 12, 2013

Please realize that you can’t EVER do this. Even though it doesn’t seem or feel like there’s any hope at times, life really does start getting better. I don’t know what-all your problems are, but life can become soooo muuuuuch better once a person is past the teen years. Ten years from now you might well look back on these years and think “gee, was that even me? I’m so different now. Life is so different now!” Give it a chance. And not just for your mom…..for you too. blessings

May 12, 2013

The other noters are offering truths that also apply to me. I was suicidal in my teens, most profoundly from 15-17. My mind was so stuck on the pain that I couldn’t imagine a life past it. But I forced myself to keep going and this July I will be 30. I LOVE my life now and wouldn’t trade it for anything. One day this mindset will be yours. A good start is to unplug from tv & radio!

May 12, 2013

I agree with what the other noters said. I wanted to die when I was a teenager too, but I’m glad I stuck around. Life gets easier to deal with. There are still heartbreaks and joys, but as people build up experiences, each new one gets easier to deal with. It’s kind of like walking over gravel with shoes rather than barefoot. The gravel is still sharp, but as people go through life they get thicker ‘soles’ and it doesn’t poke them as much. I was at my most depressed around age 14, and I was stuck living with my parents and going to my school. I really didn’t have much control over my life. Another benefit of getting older is the independence to live and work and spend your time where you want to. If you find yourself in a bad situation, you can change it or leave. Please hang in there. More people care about you than you realise.

May 12, 2013

In the meantime, give your mom a big hug. I can tell you really love her.

May 12, 2013

It wouldn’t matter what day you killed yourself, your mother would NEVER get over it. I have a friend whose son killed himself about 11 years ago. She is still in active stage of grieving Please do NOT harm yourself!