A virtual convention centre of conspiracy

Wednesday 9th July – A couple days late for the group DITL, but I got there eventually.


The morning always consists of 3 things. Getting freaked out by the alarm, a good cup of juice, and some internetting. Strawberry banana V8 was the drink of the day. It is much darker red, like beetroot (as that is where it’s colour comes from!)


Once Jake was home at about 11am, I headed to the very-nearby post office and then to the even closer store so I could buy ingredients for brownies.

Ended up with rather expensive cocoa, but it was either that or hershey’s, and that is not an option for me. Tis nasty.

My shopping bag says BAAA on the inside. The outside has sheep.






I de-leaved our Bobert a bit, did the dishes (looking a lot like my mum) and had breakfast. Kakuro makes breakfast way more fun. And quick. The milk is brown from all the good yummy sugars in my granola.


We watched tv (well I did, Jake is asleep there. My knee always makes him sleep like that) and there was a show about Area 51 on at the time. That just happens to be where my title came from, isn’t it awesone? Brownies happened, and they were also awesome. Took about as much time as a packet mix would’ve too. QUICK BROWNIES!


I got dressed in my piggy feets, and we headed to the local farmer’s market, which is held every Wednesday.


We went past the cemetary to get there, which featured a rather cool grass-covered crypt that amused me a lot. Local honey was the only purchase, but as this was our first time, it was more of a scouting mission than anything else. Mmm… honey.


After the walk in the humid heat, getting clean was needed. I got so clean I was blurry. But I had a cool view of our entire place pretty much. Click for a bigger version. If needed…


Dinner was delicious Sez-made smoothies, and a chicken tender and scrambled egg sandwich, that was fantastically good! YUM! And all that. Was something I had been craving all day, so I’m very glad it worked out so good.


I fed Trogdor, and then fed myself some sweets. Trogdor is very well behaved, I told him he had to come to the front of the bowl and pose before he got food, so he did. Not as cool as when he dances though…


Brain training, in which I suck at connecting dots to make a bike.

Milo, which is delicious and yummy.

And reading, which is always relaxing and something I’m just getting back into doing at bedtime.

I was going to make a quick slideshow in photobucket, but the stupid thing no longer includes teh caption things I have there. Oh well. There are more pictures if you wish to see them. They are here.

And, I am sorry if this took ages to load for anyone. 🙂

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July 10, 2008

Must come back and read this when i can veiw the pics. :o)~jo

July 10, 2008

Awesome photodiary of your day! :):):) Awwww… my beta fish used to dance too! I always have juice for breakfast! And granola too when I’m not too lazy to go to the fancy store and get some… 😀

I love love love love your floors! and I’m sorry, but is there a penis in your blender?

July 10, 2008

Love the pictures, you look beautiful washing dishes. I also love the picture of you in the bears shirt looking at the YUMMY YUMMY looking brownies, brownies that I hope I get to taste sometime soon. Love you

July 10, 2008

Pictures! 😀 <3

Kakuro! I edit some of those!

July 10, 2008

mmm Sez life-y day. this was awesome. <3 RYNs: During a concert in the late 90’s, Michael was standing/dancing on top of a bridge platform. The bridge suddenly caved in, and Michael fell 4 stories. His main injury was his back, and he’s had some problems since, but it hasn’t stopped him from dancing at all, it seems. You were also so right in saying how he probably didn’t feel like..

July 10, 2008

…walking around. Like that j5master dude said: “I ain’t gotta walk if I don’t feeel like it! ROLLL MY AZZ IN A WHEELCHAIR, DAMMIT!!” XD *hugs* the Sez helped JJ feel better too. Thank you. ^.^ You’re also right on this: The Sun [tabloids], and MJStar, are sucky cause they just judge on that. Idiots.

July 10, 2008

DUDE. We both have Cingular phones. hgdslkjfaewajfidsojf[asofjlk;

July 10, 2008

OMGWTFJSKLJFSDLKJFASFSEWKJO8RK. I just saw my name there on your loadedup OD screen. *is famous*

You look TOO CUTE washing the dishes. <3

July 10, 2008

<3 Sez towel head. Awwww. 😀

July 10, 2008

Trogdor is such a pretty fish. Sorry for the mass nortage- on THIS entry alone, even!

random – I seen you DITL on Sapphire’s Gaze’s page so naturally had to have a peak .. great job!!!

July 10, 2008

Nice I love day in the life of entries! and on a random and some what perverse note… that banana looks like penis in your smoothie 🙂

July 11, 2008

Ryn: 🙂

July 14, 2008


July 14, 2008

I thought your blender looked a bit rude too. Lovely to see all the photos.