
Other than the brief period when we were outside, the tv has been on and showing something football related for the past 11 hours.

This afternoon, when the tv was just being boring for Jake, we went outside and cleaned off the path to his work. Well, he cleaned the path, I broke icicles off the side of the house which was really an excuse to climb on the ice-covered snow. It was above freezing again, so the thick layer of evil ice on top of all the lovely soft snow had started to soften, just enough to make walking on it a lot of fun.

The best part was when I reached the bottom of the stairs, and I was standing on top of snow so deep that my foot was level with the end of the handrail. And then a lady walking 2 dogs came over and the dogs came running over the ice-covered-snow to greet me.

Once Jake was done cleaning the path, I went to the backyard to play a bit. I learned a few things, most importantly was that the spots that were our footprints from last week or so made wonderful spots to walk on because I didn’t sink down to my knees.

I’m not sure how deep this snow is. There was a fence behind me that was lower than my feet.

I made Jake take pictures of me, showing how thick the ice I was standing on was, and then I stole the camera and ran back into the yard to play more. So much fun, even when I climbed down from the mountain in the above picture and sank. One leg got buried to the hip, and the other leg was out of the snow but wedged behind me. Good thing I’m bendy. Left a cool looking hole once I got out, which would be the first picture in this entry.

On the other side of the yard is a fence seperating the grass from the parking lot. (In the mountain picture above, it is hidden under the slight mound in the background on my right) The ice was thicker there, so I got to slide down a bit, which was fun because every single time the ice cracked and my ass sank into the snow.

Then Jake said his feet were getting cold (he was standing on the side, in the nice clear path) so I ran all around the yard so that there was no more pristine snow, and we came inside.

Dinner was chili, which was rather spicy but very good. The spice level was perfect yesterday, but the overnight sitting around made it too hot for me to fully enjoy. Slightly milder and it would be perfect. Jake devoured his bowl and half of mine, so I think we did a good job. Yay!

My wrist is exhausted. I think I may have hurt it playing today. Ah well. Totally worth it.

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February 6, 2011


February 7, 2011

So much snow. You big kid. Have another run around and play for me.

February 7, 2011

Wow, it’s like you were wearing snowshoes! ~jo

We don’t have all that super deep snow. We do still have snow from before Christmas but it’s all been weighed down by the ice. Boo.