I’m liking the fact that its february


last night I went to bed late. Like 5am late. Was still awake at 8am. Whenever I go to bed these days, no matter how tired I was just before, I will wake up a little bit, just enough to keep me from sleeping.

So when I got up just before midday, I felt fuggered.

Was planning to NOT DO ANYTHING all day, and it didn’t end up happening. Jenn messaged me and was all "ooooh you wanna come get the futurama complete box set thing with me and then we can marathon it?" and so I did that. We went to JB and it was pretty pooparific as it had nothing I wanted. Oh well. We got futurama.

Went to Safeway and got snackables and then came here and watched one and a half seasons. mmm season.

Then we went train stalking! Somehow we missed the 11:35 train (even though we were there at 11:30 *rolls eyes*) so we were being random and collecting the trolleys from all over the carpark and putting them in the trolley place right next to the Hoj… which happens to be far away from the Bilo where they belong. haha

That was fun and good though, twas quite arm-worky.

Then we ran out of trolleys, so we went to the playground on the opposite side of the tracks and bee-d random there for a while. That was fun tooooooo.

Eventually there was another train, and we stalked that happily. But ran away at the end of the line coz one of the passenger dudes came to talk to us. Weird.

Went star mart and got juice. And nerds. mmm candy. maracca candy! hehheee

The next train (last one of the night: 1:05am) was all IM HERE quickly, so yay for that. And at the end, Connex dude came over and was talking to us, and we found out his name is Mosim (or something… I’m rather deaf as it is and so struggle with his accent) so ya. As we were talking to him, some other dude who was on the train came over and talked with us too, and shortly after Mosim RAN away. Seriously. Twas funny.

So the drunk dude was talking to us and we were telling him all about the previous dude who thought we were undercover police (actually, THATS when the connex dude ran) coz he knew that dude too. Silly paranoid bald connex man lol

As soon as his taxi showed up, connex man was back and chatting, and then all of a sudden was "well, I’m going now. bye!" and that was funny.

im cold. And covered in mosquito bites. and its not fun.

Tomorrow I am going movies with Leigh. Should be good to finally meet him. And he’s gonna burn family guy seasons 4/5 for me. so score on that.

oooh… wonder if i can get me a big lollypop? oooh its swirly, thats what it says…

jake is getting his wisdom teeth out right now. Babe, I hope if not hurt you too much. Would be so awesome if lack of pain from it is a whole brained thing. Love you :*

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welcome to the getting older club, your body doesn’t need all that sleep anymore. Do the things you want and get more done. I like it, it suits me alright. Have a great day! xxx