It’s like circle, but with S’s!!

Today I was in a cleany mood. So I cleaned our bedroom (it looks huge now, amazing what a tiny bit of more space does) and I removed all the pictures from my door so that looks HELLA nakie now. So weird. And I did other stuff too, but I forget what it was. I kept getting interrupted by a Squid begging me to come lay down and give him hugs though. Not that thats a bad thing..

We had a nice little nap once I was sick of cleaning (or I’d ran out of stuff to do, I forget which) and during that we decided where we were gonna go out for dinner. Our first Australian date.

We went to TGIs and had SO MUCH FOOD!! Well, what’s a lot for what I normally eat (or something in an order that makes more sense to a human speaking thing?) We shared a thing of chicken fajita nachos (mmm jalapenos) and after that I had a chicken finger blt and jakie had a jalapeno burger. Heh his meal had a theme. AND we had a dessert of brownie goodness that disappeared in like… 3 minutes. Heheheh

After eatables, we went to Bundoora Park. On the way, we went to visit the goat way, so I could show Jake the orgy statue. When he saw it, he went "EWWWW!!" coz… its gross. But just down the road from there, we saw 3 kangaroos on the side of the road being all cute, so we stopped driving and went to marvel their cuteness.

So cute!

Bundoora park was poopy, coz the sheeps were so far away. Pout. But then I remembered some really cool place that Jenn and I once found, so we went there (coz SCORE I remmebered where it was!) and we marvelled the kangaroos staring at us and the gorgeous scenery and sunset. And in typical Jake-at-the-start-of-the-month fashion, Jakey was all "if I had a ring I’d so propose to you right now!" (he said the same thing on Dec 1, but it included him being here as well. and also on Jan 1… and Feb 1…. so he was 3 days off this time!)

Jake keeps burping in my face and IT STINKS!

Then… WE WENT TRAIN STALKING! That was cool fun, specially with a Squid, coz you know, he’s a squid.

And now we’re home and I have taken a long time to write this coz I keep staring at the Jake and going "awww" in my head. He’s so cute when he’s being dazey.

heheh he’s a flower but not.

Love you all!

*edit of 2 things*

#1. Jake just wrote an entree, and while he was doing that, I was sitting here mumbling random to myself that turned into french-sounding rambly noises, so I said "French noises come from my mouth!" and laughed for about 10 minutes afterwards.

#2. Last night, Jake and I  were wide awake but in bed, so I read to him all the stories Jenn has written for me over the years. It was like storytime at ATs house, but better coz there was a Squid, and I was the reader.

Oh yeah, Jenn, our leaves are gone again. Even the strings have gone! Talk about poot!

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March 4, 2006


March 4, 2006

*hugs* sounds like an awesome (and romantic) time for you and the ‘squid man’ 🙂

March 8, 2006

periods are crap. I was reading this and so :O bout the leaves that i started to cry. you know what? When Jisn’t here I realise how crap it is being here without you (both) here *pouts*