today was a babysitting day

i babysit part time.  3 days one week and 2 days the next week. i get paid every 2 weeks.  this week was my 2 day week so i got paid today. yaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lol

the 3 day week i babysit on  tuesday, wed. and thursday. and the 2 day week i babysit on monday and friday.

i keep 3 little boys.  they are all 3 brothers. issac called ikey is 5 years old, ian is 21 months old, and the baby( bye the way witch is my favorite of the 3) and i know we shouldnt have favorites but i just cant help it. lol he is just too cute and sweet. anyway the baby isaiah called tooky is 7 months old. and they are all 3 very good sweet little boys.

sometimes i go keep them at there house. they live close bye us and they go to our church. and then sometimes i keep them here. when it rains it gets really really muddy in there yard, we could get stuck in it. lol so on those days she brings them over here. but i have to say they do much better when i can go keep them at there house. they have all there toys and things there at there house and issac dont get as board as he does at my house.

tooky has some cute little things and ways that he does, its soooooooo sweet. lol he shakes his little head no no no no no , lol he pokes his little lips out and blows with his eyes scrooched up and then giggles. lol

even thow i babysat today i got to get online this morning and answer my new e-mail -pals letter back. that was fun. she has already answered me back i just read it a little bit ago. but im going to wait to answer her back tomorrow. we are asking each other questions about our lives to get to know each other better. and that is fun doing that.

ok i will go untill next time then,



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February 21, 2012

Welcome to OD =)