Summer rain

It’s warm, sweet air that I breathe around you. A whole-bodied sense of peace and harmony that I had almost forgotten. I feel like I could melt into you. Like we could both tangle ourselves up so close together and disappear into the couch.

Your arms all the way around me. We could not physically be any closer. You fall heavily to sleep and you don’t let go. With your face buried in the back of my neck. Your breath in my ear. Your heart is a sleepy ember I can feel through your chest as it taps against me.

I always said that I just wanted to find something like I had once when I was younger. This isn’t it. It’s bigger.

It feels like a warm summer rain. The kind where the sun still shines. The ones that bring rainbows and happy trees. Where everything feels at peace and full of life.

I feel myself vibrate when you are near. Like a current running through me. I feel a pull, there is something inevitable. I was so afraid I’d never find something like this again. I never could have imagined finding something greater.

I worry less now, because I just know. I can’t justify it through words, but I don’t need to. I know where we will be. I know how this is going to go. I’m lying in the wake of the best, never ending, July rain.

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So beautiful!