Love Under Will Part 3

twenty eight days away…….

I think that’s what kept me from getting help. I knew if I fessed up to being an addict/alcoholic I would be sent somewhere like Hazelden. I had this notion that my life wouldn’t or couldn’t run without me, and that if I wasn’t there to oversee it, the sky would fall. I was riding a merry-go-round sent lovingly from hell. At first it seemed to move at a safe speed, but then one day I looked up and the rotten sucker was spinning out of control; there would be no stepping off of this freaky-ass carnival ride. My addiction like a twisted carnie, refused to pull the gears and I couldn’t find the will to make my legs jump. My addiction wanted me dead, yet it had convinced me that I would die without it.

But the morning I turned over my dope, the plastic horses faded and that god-awful music stopped. I dropped my head in shame and said… me.

That was the easy part. As I sat in the back seat of the car, being driven to my new existence by my mother and my husband, I started to feel like a dog on the way to his vet clinic. I felt my arms and legs start reaching for the door frame….please don’t make me go in…..I’ll be good……leave me my testicles…..I won’t hump the couch anymore. I kept thinking that treatment might be a bit much and about the sacrifices that would have to made in my absence and about a future without my trusted tools. Like I said…….my disease wants me dead and its always talking.


However, You can’t save your face and your ass at the same time…..

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April 21, 2011

You got me thinking for the last line – is it true really ?

April 21, 2011
April 23, 2011

*random* My Mother is/was addicted to perscription pain meds. I dont see or speak to her anymore, she chose the pills over me too many times and I finally removed her from my life so that I could actually have one. In a way I know how the addictions take over your life, I watched it in someone else. You are a strong woman for getting help.

April 23, 2011

Congrats, for taking that step. I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you. You’ve done more than most can admit to. One day at a time. Be well,

April 23, 2011

I was a Heroin and Meth addict for nearly two decades. I decided to stop using June 30th, 2001. I didn’t do the rehab route. When I did decide to stop using I just stopped and that was it for me. I have not relapsed, and I didn’t do NA, or in patient programs. I do realize not everyone can go cold turkey though. Good luck to you. It gets easier. I promise.

April 24, 2011