Sunday 13th August 2023

I had a near miss last week. I’ve been crying and shaking every day since. The indicator on the van was stuck on turning and this 30 tonne truck pulled out on me. I swerved into oncoming traffic and landed on the grass verge on the other side of the road. No one hurt, no one stopped, no one cared, not least the driver of the truck who screamed at me – “fucking indicators on you stupid bitch’. The van’s only just been in for the wiring fixed too. I couldn’t see it because of the bright sun and it doesn’t make a sound. Anyway everyone drove off and carried on. I, however, can’t bear to get in the car anymore.

Duncan’s gran has died. Apparently he found out via Facebook. His uncle put her to a care home and refused to tell the family where she was. He took the car and the Will. None of them will be at any kind of funeral.

What a crap week. Back to work tomorrow

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September 3, 2023

Terrifying incident.