At least buy me dinner.



 It has been awhile, a long while since I last wrote. Haven’t really felt the need and I have somewhat detached myself from the sight being that it may not be here much longer. Anywho, I’m here and I’m alive. I try to hop on and read but the sight takes forever to load. I thought it was my computer but everything else opens as soon as I click it.

 So Let’s see, what’s up with me, well thanks to the incompetence we call Congress, I am working on an IOU. Let me preface this by saying that I love my job, but the higher ups in my job make it very difficult for me to want to come to work and do my job. Since I started my Job 8 years ago, my office has had 3 Managers, 4 Assistant managers, and 3 supervisors. Our office is like a stepping stone to the next position. No manager wants to live in our town so our office is always a temporary thing and they treat it so. It is very obvious that they don’t care, which would be fine with me, but the lack of care seems to conflict with the need to control and micro manage, so they manage the easiest employees, which happen to be me and let the more difficult employees run about and do whatever, which is usually nothing.  I hate being micro managed. it makes me feel like I’m not doing my job. I hate being told that something is almost overdue, when there are people who have stuff 3 years overdue. This is a semi-cushy government job  career with awesome hours, paid holidays, vacation and sick leave, great benefits, and the pay isn’t half bad……BUT. The negatives are beginning to far outweigh the positives and I am beginning to feel trapped.

Not only do I have to deal with a "Self entitled, this is my money even though I never paid a dime into the system" individuals, but I also have to deal with incompetent, I was picked on as a child so I kissed all the ass I could to get promoted so I can take it out on you management." I am getting it from both sides, no vaseline, no reach around , and no one has even bought me dinner. Now the powers that be have decided to turn this gang bang into a freaky fetish porn and take away my dignity by making me do it for free, ain’t that some shit!

I can’t wait until my hubby starts his job. I am going part time until I can find something better. Damn the money and benefits. I would have been gone a long time ago if I didn’t need food, or a car, or a house, or air conditioning, or food (I know I said it twice).

In other news. We started potty training for real and so far so good. Day one had a few accidents but itty bitty got 4 stars. There is this phone app I’m using that keeps track of successful attempts and at the end of the day flashes all the stars she gets. She loves it. Day two was much better, no accidents. She still doesn’t register the feeling of having to go, but she will eventually. Until then it’s trips to the potty every 15 to 20 minutes. I have discovered that she is more willing to go the big potty, so we moved the top half of her potty to the spare bathroom and no more potty melt downs.

This time it has been less frustrating for me and that is good. I am sad yet happy because this brings us one step closer to baby number 2 ( yeah still want another it’s crazy I know). I refuse to have two babies in diapers. Also she will be going to preschool / daycare soon and it’s much cheaper for children who are potty trained. I’m not in a rush, which is why we started now so that we have time. Unfortunately I think this may take a while.


I should really write more often to avoid these novels. 












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October 14, 2013

Damn, that job stuff is like… mind boggling. I hope that you can just get out of htere quick and things work out with your husbands employment to make both of you happy. I am actually looking forward to potty training. Nugget is taking his diaper off now and to me that means he’s ready even if he’s only a year old! lol. *huggzz*