1st Entry – Who am I?

I often think about that song by Reba McEntire, “Is there life out there”

I became a Mom at 18 years old, it’s like even at a young age I didn’t know who I was so I figured why not a Mom? I then continued to have children, 2 years later another, repeat 1 more time. I often think of these 3 children as my originals. Then of course I put a huge space in between my originals and my youngest. So I’m a mom of 4 or so I’m told.

Mom… wife… that’s my identity. Nothing more, nothing less. I feel like there should be more… There has got to be more.

I’ve sunk to an all time “low” (for lack of a better word) I googled who am I? Google knows everything right? Wrong. Google doesn’t know who I am either. I’ve scoured through blogs searching for answers, surely someone can tell me who I am, or at least how I can find out… I add in words like “who am I besides a mom” It boils down to one answer; who was I before I was mom. Umm a child. The answer is I was a child. I can’t strive to be that person again. I can’t dig down to my core memories and find what I liked to do, where I liked to go, what my hobbies were. The last thing I want is to be the teenage version of my self.

Hobbies: None. Interests: None Friends: Also None.

I want so badly to know who I am outside of a Mom and Wife. I want to know what interests me, what hobbies I like, what I like to do with my free time.

Who am I? There’s so much I haven’t done.

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February 8, 2023

The amazing thing about this life is we can be whoever we want to be.  Pick something, anything and focus your time and energy on it.  You can achieve it, but you have to want it.

February 8, 2023

You are who God intended for you to be! Don’t wish for an empty nest, because it happens soon enough and then once again, you’ll be asking yourself… Who am I? 🤔

February 9, 2023

@ldyntrubl38 I am most definitely not wishing for an empty nest. Just curious what my identity is outside of my kids and husband. I love you momma

February 9, 2023

Welcome to OD. These are tough questions to ask. I hope you’re able to figure it out.

February 9, 2023

@heffay thank you ❤️