Willful Unemployment… Now?!

So this is less habit than I meant it to be- not having my laptop is taking its toll.

Anyways, the newest reports.

Connor is doing fine- back on his medication, seemingly happy and we’re working through it. Meanwhile, tomorrow he will be quitting his job, where he makes made more money than I do, and has no job to fall back on. He’s going back to school, full time, and I will be supporting us. I’m a bit frightened by this notion. I mean, I’m on less than a teacher’s salary, and I now have all of our bills, his bills, our lifestyle and our stomachs to think about. I don’t even know where to start making sacrifices.

And I know I sound scared. I am scared. I want Connor to stay here with me, but I don’t know where he’s going to find a good part-time job in this economy. He’s an amazing tutor, an excellent teacher, and I know he could tutor if he can just make a name for himself here. I’m worried about him going into a slump, though. Getting too tied up with schoolwork that he can’t function with work and school at the same time, at least in trying to find a job. I don’t even know where to look.

I’m also planning on applying for part time jobs, as a tutor or teacher’s assistant or something. I need extra income to settle debts of my own, and being saddled with supporting him instead of settling my own weight is overwhelming.

I’ve laid down the law with him; asserted that he needs to be spending spare time looking for employment somewhere. Anywhere will do for now… anything is better than nothing. I would hate for him to be making minimum wage, but what is left?

Anyway, he’s asleep. I was tossing and turning, so I thought a bit of writing might do me good. I’d better get back to bed.


Goodnight, OD!

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January 20, 2013

Hope You Have a Great Week~XOXOXO

January 20, 2013

RYN: Free Willy is what kept my interest alive. I went to SeaWorld a few times growing up (when there was one in Cleveland, OH) and that’s where I fell in love with Orcas. When I was a bit older (a tween/early teen) went back and found out I could be a performer AND learn about and help with the animals…I was hooked more. Never did anything with it though 🙁 Have a great week!

January 20, 2013

It is a scary place, the civilian world. We’re under 2 years away from being in it again…and I’m already terrified of what that means. I’ve not voiced my worries to my husband, but I have no career moves…my best qualifications are to fast food restaurants, other than being a stay at home mom/wife. I hope he finds work and I hope it all works out for you 🙂