my sacrifices

here is what i have given up b/c we want this baby so badly.  i think you will see why i am impatient to be pregnant now instead of later.

1.  i quit smoking

2.  i stopped taking my Ditropan XL–these pills are for overactive bladder. imagine being pregnant with an overactive bladder.  i may never leave this house again (until i deliver). 

3.  i stopped taking my Xanax–these pills relax me.  they make it possible for me to go to ppl’s houses and that kind of thing. without them, the chiropractor even makes me nervous. basically, if i don’t totally trust you (probably b/c i’m not really familiar with you or you’re a jerk or there is just something about you that makes me nervous), i am going to need a xanax to deal with you.

4. i am 26.  we just decided we wanted a baby.  a few months ago, i would have told you we were not planning on having ANY children unless they came by surprise.  now we have done a complete turnaround and can’t wait to be pregnant.  i am getting older now, though, and i sort of wish i’d decided sooner but i’m still young enough that it shouldn’t be a problem. my husband, d.j., is 27.

some background information on me:

like i said, i’m 26.

i work from home. i am what they call a "struggling writer". fortunately for me, my husband has a good job as a manufacturing engineer (that’s what his diploma says)/junior designer (that’s basically what his job would call him).  i was a waitress before we bought our house and moved too far for me to continue that job.  i don’t have a license (yes, i know, we will need to do something about that when we have a baby) so the half hour to work was too far for d.j. to truck me (he’d have half hour to take me there, half hour home, half hour to pick me up, half hour home) there.

i have my Master of Arts degree in English Literature and Creative Writing.  i earned that at The University of Windsor.  i earned my Bachelor of Arts (honors) in English Language and Literature at King’s College @ The University of Western Ontario.  i hope to be a writer. for now, i try to get published and i try to find work as a freelance writer. i have done pro-bono jobs and have done 2 paying jobs so far.  not terrible but not great. 

i collect Employment Insurance, for the time being.  it runs out after august.

my mom is around a lot. she takes me shopping a lot. wait til we have a baby–she’ll be buying us all kinds of stuff.  she doesn’t get to see her other 7 (? i think it’s 7) grandchildren very much b/c my brother is a drunken idiot who i haven’t seen in years and don’t want to and my sister has a pot-addicted boyfriend who keeps ruining Christmas (and she is too weak to stop him).

this diary was made so that i can vent about wanting to be pregnant and hopefully so that i can meet ppl who are going through the same thing.

by the way, we’ve only been trying this month, so who knows? it could have happened already. it could take months.


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April 15, 2005

welcome to OD! & happy TTC! RYN: BD = baby dancing = making love = sex… oh, well, at least that’s what i interpreted it to be. = )

welcome..i added you to my favs i rant on favs only sometimes!! Best WIshes!! Hugs

April 17, 2005

Wow – we have the exact same degree from the same University. I got my BA in English Language and Literature from Western also. Not King’s College though 🙂

lol..I think it’ll work. We have a lot in common I see….I wonder if we’re related. My daughter was a seed in my womb while I grew in my Mother’s Womb, so hey…you just never know!! Good Luck. I think I’ll have to add you to my faves now that I have found you. Kepp track of you and all. 🙂

August 2, 2006

I never read this far back in your diary. I’m pretty excited about it, it’s kinda like cracking open a new book. kristen

December 29, 2007

And I’m re-reading this part of your diary, I know that you understand why 🙂 Thank you for sharing your pregnancy! kristen ps I’ll take pics of my new purchases when I get home tomorrow. I’m off! Woo hoo! I can’t find my digital camera ANYWHERE which is far more distressing than I can even let on, but the camera on my new phone rocks so it will do nicely.