no rest for the wicked *

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Beau isn’t sleeping well AT ALL. he sleeps like a newborn, for pete’s sake. he was sleeping through the night when we decided to have Baby C. go figure. we’re thinking he just misses me. he sounds almost scared? we’re considering putting him in sawyer’s room with sawyer to see if that helps. maybe he won’t be scared if he knows he’s not alone. dennis says it’s not a huge hassle to put his bed back if that doesn’t help. i can’t do this anymore. we can’t get up several times a night to take milk to Beau or go in to quiet him or find his cars or whatever the fuck his problem is. it’s too much. i don’t know if he’s hearing too much from outside (i hate that the kids’ rooms are at the front of the house facing the street) or if he’s having bad dreams or if he is just a light sleeper. he goes though phases but i can’t take it anymore. he seems to function on very little sleep. me? not so much.

*i should say that he GOES to sleep fine. this happens sometime after midnight. it could happen at 12:30 a.m. or 3 a.m. or 4 or 5 a.m. no rhyme or reason. keep your thoughts coming.

we’re going to ask sawyer first, of course.

i don’t have a lot of faith in it working. there’s no easy fix for anything that involves Beau.

anyone have any other thoughts on what worked with your kids? he’s 3 in september. it’s ridiculous.

we bought the playpen the other night 🙂 it’s pretty nice. i picked a scratch card out and it was only 5% off 🙁 basically we saved some taxes. i really really wanted 50 or 25 % off.  i didn’t find a purse (looked all over) and the shoes were SO pretty but they didn’t have enough support for my messed up feet. 🙁 so all i got was the playpen on friday night and i really wanted some retail therapy.

saturday, i went to a crop 🙂 got lots done. i keep running out of pictures so i don’t know if i can do another crop in april. i guess i’m TOO caught up! makes me wonder if my pages are too simple.

sunday, we went out to do groceries. i stopped at Ardene Outlet and got some $5 tanks 🙂 actually, one stripey vest, one tank with a tiger design, one cute neutral colour tank and one flowered tank. while dennis was getting a much-needed haircut, i slipped the tank on under my shirt. after groceries (got some cute socks on sale and some nice makeup-i love the real canadian superstore! was tempted by some workout gear too but we spent far too much already), we went to the car dealership and looked at the caravans in the lot. i wish i liked the colour options better but i think i favour white. we’ll see. at least the black has a metallic sparkle to it. blue would match our car but i think it’s between black and white.

today, beau and i have done next to nothing and will be leaving to get sawyer soon. i really hope our coats are dry. i washed them and bloody well forgot so i threw them on high in the dryer!

i really wish i could feel this little one moving around. i thought i did a couple weeks ago on and off but nope. still not yet. it worries me. a couple weeks til the ultrasound. 

shit. only a few minutes til we leave. i can give it til 10 after 2. the coats are pretty lightweight so we can hope…


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March 28, 2011
March 28, 2011

*hugs* xxx

March 28, 2011

I don’t know anything about non-sleeping children. I guess it would be unethical to give the kid gravol or something before bed. Thats what I do for patients who are up all night and driving me nuts.

March 28, 2011

ryn: I’m interested in what they’re going to say about Chris and his debt. I have very little debt. I was lucky and had scholarships that got me through school. So, I’m hoping that with my tiny debt (which is my car) and Chris’ mega debt, we’ll balance out? I know my credit is pretty damn good, but I’m not so sure about Chris. I might be the one with the mortgage the more I think about it.

March 28, 2011

awe, i was hoping you’d get half off too lol at least you got in some good shopping 🙂 hope beau lets you sleep soon **hug*

March 28, 2011

Eric *knock on wood* is still sleeping well. Although a friend at work had that problem with her two year old. It ended up that he was scared of his Halloween costum hanging on his closet door. You didn’t move anything around did you?

March 28, 2011

I think I’m feeling little flutters, but it’s definitely sporadic. However, it is where my uterus is at the moment so I’m sure that’s what it is.

March 28, 2011

RYN: I believe they do keep all the doors locked but the one closest to the office and you have to sign in and get a pass before you can go anywhere in the school. Yeah, I know a couple of the teachers in the elm school because their friends with my dad lol And the principal was a teacher in the high school when I was there. Yay for small towns 🙂

March 28, 2011

White noise machine? That’s all I got. Kids not sleeping sucks the big one.

March 28, 2011

no advice! =( i slept horribly last night and also don’t function on very little sleep!

March 28, 2011

beau sounds like me lol

March 30, 2011

ryn: No not really, I always go there on weekends anyway so it’ll just be extended. Although ask me again after 5 weeks there ;o)

March 30, 2011

ryn: I know, I know! It doesn’t make sense! After I had Nolyn- I mean, HOURS after I had him, I was holding him and sitting in the hospital bed drunk with sleeplessness and thinking, “Aw, I wonder how soon we can get pregnant again..” LOL! I was looking through Evie’s 6 month photos and just longed to be pregnant again. I can’t explain it.. I just… love kids and I love having them at all the stages of childhood! (Meaning, I like having a baby-baby, a toddler, a just-barely-schooling, as well as more maturing kids.)

March 31, 2011

RYN: We have a little handheld steamer just for such things, I didn’t even think of that…probably cause we haven’t used the thing in YEARS lol Yeah, once I decide where things are actually going to stay I’ll take pics

April 9, 2011