1st Entry in a while

Hey everyone!!

I think the last time I wrote here, I was pregnant, or trying to get pregnant?  I’d have to go back & check to be sure.

So many changes… I have a 1 year old son now.  He is the light of our life.  He exhausts me, frustrates me, and challenges me…. And I love him all the more for it.

I’m still married to Hubby.  9 years strong! I’m happy, but lordy am I ever tired!  I don’t think we’ll have any more kids.  I feel too overwhelmed with one and just getting him was a very hard road to go down…

I’ll save that story for another time.

If any of my old friends are on here, please reach out!  I tried to do pb… Just couldn’t really get into it… Rather I had a hard time maintaining it when I had a kid.

I’ll update more later.

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January 29, 2018

I have a one year old and I know the feeling! Pure exhaustion! We also had a difficult time conceiving, so the thought of trying to conceive is exhausting, let alone pregnancy with a one year old!

January 29, 2018

I am part of the one and done club as well.