Who ordered the whoopass fajitas?!

Tonight was amazing.

I don’t think that writing about it can even come close to doing it justice. It was most definitely one of those "you had to be there nights" and yet, I’m totally going to write about it anyway.

Angel and I went to see Boondock Saints II. We practically DIED when we saw Ricky from Trailer Park Boys. The whole movie just had us going. I could probably talk about it for a day, but I don’t think anyone who reads me has any interest in the movie so I won’t. Anyway. We left the theater throwing lines at each other and just laughing our asses off. Then we went to Home Depot to get me a Christmas tree. There was this little boy that was just… being a little boy! He kept yelling "Charge!" and I started talking to him, asking him who he was battling. He pointed to Angel and I laughed and for some reason, I have no idea what got into him, but Angel took the tree we were looking and shook the hell out of it (like you normally would to free the branches after it’s been bound). Anyway, he starts shaking the hell of out this tree and says, "That’s what I’m gonna do to you little boy!" and the poor kid runs off. I of course busted up laughing, but this is totally out of character for Angel, which made me laugh even more.

Then I kept ribbing him because there was this Irish guy talking to one of the workers and I was all giddy about his accent because of course we’d just come from the movie. Fast forward to us pulling out of the parking lot, Christmas tree in the back of Angel’s truck. The Irishman approach’s Angel’s window and asks if we’re heading west on Sunset Blvd. We were so he asked if we’d be willing to bring the tree to his house. And of course we did. We couldn’t resist telling him how we were so in love with his accent because of the timing with the movie and he had no idea what we were talking about. He chastised himself because he felt as an actor he should have known the film and we all went our merry way. We met up with him at his house and he invited us to a party he’s hosting on Friday.

Okay, reading over that it didn’t seem like that big of a deal so I guess I was right at the beginning when I said it was a ‘you had to be there’ kind of night. But still. It was absolutely awesome and I hope I don’t forget it anytime soon.

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December 17, 2009

I saw that movie. 🙂 I think you liked it more than I did though.

December 17, 2009

So glad you had a fabulous night! 🙂 <3 And I loved your flail btw over my J. Radin pictures.

December 17, 2009

I would have died if I’d seen that happen. That’s just too hilarious. And…ahem…Huge ‘Boondock Saints’ fan here!

I had not idea they were making a sequel! That sounds like a pretty epic night for sure. I want to see your tree!! Oh and Sacramento is game on!

December 17, 2009

always nice to have a good evening =)

December 18, 2009

Irish accents are so delightful! I’m glad you guys had an awesome time 🙂

Sounds like a fun night! yay!

RYN: Yup, that was me. I deleted it and started over cause there were a couple of really creepy people following me, but it’s good to see you again!

Completely random, but I adore your glasses!ryn;; Thank you so much! ? Merry Christmas!

where you bean homefry?

January 2, 2010

As requested I have made an update on my diary. More to come so stay tuned 😉

December 26, 2010

i love me an accent..omgosh…