
I just found out that my step uncle is in the hospital and he is on a ventilator…. He is stable at the moment because he has a machine breathing for him…. He went to have two different surgeries one for a blockage in his stomach and they removed half of his stomach, and the second surgery was for a hernia, and now they have found a blockage in his bowels and there is fluid around his heart and lungs…. He is in the worst hospital in Beckley WV and that is BAR-H…. 6 years ago my grandma Mae was in the hospital sick and now here we are 6 years later my step uncle is laying in the hospital on a ventilator…. I am at a loss because my brain can’t seem to process all of this at once…. I am going to try to process this but I know that it is going to take some time and I am going to have to talk to my new counselor on the 9th of this month…. Tomorrow I have a phone appointment with Dr. Faheem…. <- This phone appointment should be interesting tomorrow with Dr. Faheem because I really don’t want to talk to him with all of this going on with my family…. Bobby is really getting on my nerves and he is really pissing me off by trying to tell what to do…. He is going to keep on and then I am going to tell him off tonight…. 

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