
A year has journeyed by, the clock’s steady chime, At 9:56am, we remember a moment so sublime.

It marks the day we lost a treasure, so rare,
A woman of boundless love, kindness, and care.

She wasn’t my birth mother, nor the stepmother I knew, But her love and acceptance were steadfast and true.

In the tapestry of my life, she wove a new thread,
A mother in every sense, from the moment we met.

A goddess among us, her grace knew no bounds, Her love was a melody, in life’s orchestra, it resounds.

For over two decades, she guided my way,
Through storms and through sunshine, night and day.

And as we raise our glasses, I’d like to propose a toast, To the years I cherished most, the ones I love the most.

“Here’s to the best years of my life,” with joy I do declare, “Spent in the arms of another man’s wife,” a bond so rare.

God bless her, I love her, my mother, so dear,
In her embrace, I found solace, devoid of any fear.

Though not bound by blood, our connection runs deep, In her love, I found a treasure, my heart’s secrets she’d keep.

Amidst this tribute, a red tulip we place with grace, A symbol of love enduring, in this sacred space.

So, let’s raise our glasses high, with love that never parts, To the woman who held me close, and forever in our hearts.

Here’s to the memories we hold, in laughter and in tears, To my mother, my guiding star, who erased all my fears.




The amazing woman that was my mother, though not biologically related to me, was my Mum, cared for me, loved me, held me, my Mum.

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