Working at 39 Percent

I am guessing that it is because of the dark, cold day today. I should be used to it since I have lived through many Michigan winters. But even so, I am feeling depleted.

The problem is that when I feel depleted I dwell on it which makes me that much more depleted.

Today at work I estimated myself to be working at 39 percent capacity. That is unacceptable. Another thing to dwell on and become a little more depleted.

Random thought: I drove home a different way tonight and realized just how little I know about the area just miles from my home. So on a warm, bright evening this spring/summer, I plan on driving this area and getting to know it. It is somewhat exciting to look forward to doing. End of random thought.

I’m going to work on squishing this depleted feeling by: (1) taking a bath (2) picking up part of a cluttered room (3) getting more sleep and (4) cuddling with my dog.

Sounds like a win-win.



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