Just Me

Well I wimped out and cancelled my personal training session with Angie for Wednesday.  We are supposed to get between 8-10 inches starting tomorrow morn and into Wed morning.  I wish the gym and work were more flexible.  I understand why the gym has to be inflexible but my boss said Friday to expect to work in the office Wednesday and one other day of our choosing but that was before they called for this storm.  If I have to drive to work I might as well go to the gym but if I can work from home I plan on not moving until Wednesday night after the snow plows have had a chance to run.

Good Things I did for me today

Swimming Lesson with Angie.  We worked more on holding my breath under water.  Two weeks ago I could only make it half way across the pool swimming underwater and today I did close to ¾ of the way.  


Spin Class

Ran 2 miles

Stayed in calorie range

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February 3, 2014

Did you know Open Diary will close down shortly? If not, you might want to take a look at other journalling sites. ~ Cute photo!

February 3, 2014

Your purse looks kind of like a frog next to a big green bowl. You’re lucky to have so much help when you work at home. Maybe you should tell your boss she gets three employees when she lets you work from home.

February 4, 2014

This entry still shows on the front page. I guess that means nobody could write overnight. Or nobody wanted to. Well, no OD+ members. I have my front page settings set to ignore OD- members. Too much whine and spam for my taste. This place takes up too much time as it is. I donut know how people on Faceboot deal with the timesuck of thousands of their closest friends posting picturesof their lunches, and cetra.