Just Me

Me 2-5-2014

Something has got to give.  Between working eight hours and then the mandatory 6-8 hours overtime, the gym, Facebook, Open Diary, Prosebox and reading before bed I’m only getting five to six hours of sleep at night.  Obviously it can’t be the work, or the gym.  If I could be more efficient at the other things that would help.  I find myself getting sucked into a rabbit hole whenever I sit down at the computer.  

Good Things  I did for me


Ran 2 miles Not running since Sunday sure put alot of pep into my step.  I  ran at 5.3 for a quarter mile.

Stayed in calorie range

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February 5, 2014

Incredible pictures. Now you know why I’ve been steering clear of Prosebox.

February 5, 2014

Chester kitty. Baby August was allergic to Chester, who was living with Zut when August was born. It was Auntie Klutz to the rescue. In 2000 August was just as allergic to cats, but somehow that didn’t matter. After Zut bought Minette at a pet store, “She’s SO CUTE I had to get her,” I told Zut if she got any more cats August and I would have to move out. In retrospect, I have towonder if she was hoping I would do that when she got Yoda. She was already planning to hook up with Oscar the Duck, and she was acting like she’d be able to get my house in the settlement. The one thing I refused to do when Oscar came was move out, tho she kept suggesting it in her diary as the reasonable thing for me to do, since she was the one with the kids. Zut’s diary followers were all about that. “How could a little kitty hurt a grown man? What’s his problem? What’s his real problem?” That was when I blocked Lady Katya.

Now that OD is going to close I spend more time here than at Prosebox. In fact, I haven’t gone to Prosebox for a couple of days. I’ve been knitting and reading for recreation, plus there’s whatever is going on around the house. So yeah, we only have so much time to divvy up. My gosh, the kittens are cute. And how about those foster kitties, all orange except one.

February 6, 2014

Awwwwwww… *melting into a puddle of puddytat goo* I haven’t held a kitty in soooo long, I’m really envious! That tray of kitties looks kinda like a gift box from Spinny! (Or maybe TO Spinny! Hee!) Brava! for your amazing efforts at fitness! Me, I was making an effort to move yesterday at work, kinda dancing in place, doing desk work, and today, I’m home with a very painful strained upper right back. (Which is probably not from the dancing but rather from hauling heavy trays, but eh, it’s always something.) I feel so thwarted… oh, and I completely empathize with your feelings of being “sucked into a rabbit hole” when sitting at the computer. Fortunately, or not, depending upon priorities, it’s so cold in the computer room that I rarely sit here in the winter months.Today’s a rare exception, having turned on all the heat sources full blast!

February 6, 2014

Such cute kitties. Wanted to say bye before this is gone. I havent been here in a long time.