Winter Storm 2/13/06

Well, Mother Nature got us good…

There is nothing better than watching the snow fall in the very early morning. One o’clock this morning found me on my front porch watching and listening to the quietly falling snow as it created a pristine clean picture perfect image. I love the snow before the snow plows have treaked through it ruining it’s perfect white color and tuning it into shades of black and grey. It’s as though the world is trying to cleanse itself from all the harmful dirt and pollution we throw into its atmosphere. Cleanse it and then wait for us to start all over again and maybe get it right. Keep it clean, so those who come after us can enjoy the woder and beauty that is still here. Imagine what it must have been like years ago, before the automoile, before mankind decided to make it a "better" place and started chipping away at the land, filling every space with buildings and chemicals. Can you just imagine how beautiful it must have been then?

My dog Socks loving the snow and eating it too!!!

Outside my front door this morning

Does anyone remember the Smurfs? remember how hats they wore were floppy and came to a rounded pointy peak? my garbage cans reminded me of them…, especially the two bigger now mounds…..


Have a lovely day all, I’m off to practice the Tarot cards…my latest interest…lol

Stay warm and dry

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We got quiet a bit of snow here too. I’m envious, I haven’t broken out my tarot cards in a couple months. I should really start up again – it helped me through my roughest times.

February 12, 2006

There’s nothing better than seeing a happy dog frolicking in the snow.

February 13, 2006

That is an incredibly cute dog picture!

February 14, 2006

So glad it wasn’t us!!!!

February 14, 2006

Aloha… Cute picture of your “socks”…! Happy Valentine’s day… Smiles…………