Dingo At the Door!

My cat is at the back door, looking out at the birds. So cute. Cats4lyfe. Yesterday I went for a jog at pineland, and somehow my phone ejected out of my pocket when I got back to the car on the pavement, and the screen shattered 🙁 So today, I’m going to get the fixed. Just my luck! I guess I need to be more careful, but I thought I already am careful!!!

I have one more week of grad school left this semester. I was going to take a summer class, but I think I’ve decided against it actually. I’d like the free time for some other things. I will be back down in South America in May and June, and really just want some more free time there without being tied down to my computer doing projects. The thing is, I SHOULD do it, but really, I don’t even know if I wanna stay at this school or transfer, so maybe this will enlighten me. I always think omg I’m 36 I need a masters already, but at the same time, I need to do whats best for me at the moment of whatever age Im at and not worry too much.

I’m eating a bit of breakfast and will work early to ‘make up’ for the time I miss while my phone is getting repaired. Wish my luck with that and that it goes smoothly and is either free or very cheap because I have Samsung care.

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2 weeks ago

Hi – Good luck with your phone repair! I hope it is a cheap fix for you.

As for graduate school I am in the same boat of trying to find time to finish up this damn degree but also focus on my mental health and take a break for a bit. I hope your time down in South American helps you determine whats the best route for you and your education! Age means nothing!!!



2 weeks ago

@oatmilkymo Thanks! what are you studying?

2 weeks ago

@sub-parforgery psychological science… research methods…statistics.. blah