So today is the big day for the production of rolling out the Gingerbread Men. My new beautiful Kitchenaid works so incredibly. Last night I made two batches of ginger bread dough and placed them into the refrigerator for over night. I was instructed to make 30 large Gingerbread men for the cookie party. I can’t wait to see all my family, I live so far away form them so this will be a joyous time for me.

Who would of know that my husband had the ability to help me make my gingerbread men. I certainly didn’t expect him to make cookies but he stepped right in and totally took over the project like I wasn’t even there. He was so precise and focused with rolling out the dough into a perfect circle. I have discovered that hubby is very systematic making sure the gingerbread men were cut out correctly. The buttons on the gingerbread men had to just so. He was so careful of the placement of the gingerbread men. He didn’t want them to be too close together and very particular about only have two red buttons I wanted three red buttons but I was out voted.

When I did try to help out by carefully moving the unbaked men on to the cookie sheet, He would get all anxious about me handling his men. He had every right to kick me out of the kitchen because I killed two of HIS men. One Gingerbread man was headless and the other one lost an arm. So, I ate them both.

My sister Cori will probably be disappointed with me. She requested that I make 30 large naked Gingerbread Men. She will have to deal with it! Now I only have 24 instead of 30.

My other worry is that I have carefully placed the cookies in two decorative snow flake boxes. BUT here is the scary part, I have to walk down Icicle hill which is a solid sheet of ice. I Have fallen down there times this week and I have many bruises on both hips and a two blooding knees to show for it. Ouch! I’m so sore.

Wish me luck! I will need it

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:^) Poor Gingerbread men. But made with love and care.