JUST DO IT!!!!!!!

Hello there,

I have decided to try and write a real entry about what is going on in my life. On January 1st, 2013 at midnight I decided that I wanted to have a mini vacation from work. I had recently left Spiritwood at Pine Lake, a place were I worked for 4 years. I really enjoyed the time I spent there but I was ready to move on for my next adventure.

I have been a nurse for 16 years working in assisted living communities.

I just needed a break. I wanted to spend time with my dogs, Daisymae and Avery. They kept me company during the day while my husband was at work. Well this break has been going on far-far too long It’s been eight months. I’m getting bored sitting at home. It’ time for my sabbatical to end and join the real world.

I want and NEED to be with elderly people again. I want to make a difference in there lives. It’s time for me to look for a job, but first I must take care of me. I need a hair cut, manicure-no more wearing PJ’s all day long sitting by the fire and playing with my dogies. I need to make money. I miss having my big pay checks of $2500 every two weeks.

My resume and references are ready, now I just need to do-it

It’s going to be tough to get back into the work force….God help me!

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