Taking a Stand****edit


Oops didn’t copy and paste correct

Oh God, A blank screen what do I write about–think I will just let my fingers do the thinking. I’m so very tired right now. I have worked 10 days in a row with only a small light at the end of the tunnel. So many things happening at work for the better I hope. I forgot how much clout I have, little old me has much power–who would believe. The new and young caregivers have much to learn about me. I don’t put up with no shit (you read correctly)I don’t swear but there is no other word to describe what has been going on at work. When it comes to my patients. They deserve the best!!!

I’m so sick and tired of every shift complaining about other shifts. Dayshift did this or night shift did this or pm shift always does that. Lets worked together people and try to find solutions to the problems. I’m so sick and tired of the blame game—we are dealing with humane beings here.

It is so bad that the administrator is bailing out and the Health Services Rn is trying to bail out too! I want to leave too but I’m a Cowlitz Indain and we fight until the very end. I will not let these youngsters prevail–like I said my patients deserve the best and I will fight for them until I can fight no more-period!

It was such a joke when the ladies with the big folders came into the facility, the state ladies for our annual survey. Get this our Kitchen Manager didn’t even have a food handlers permit. She was quickly ushered out of the back door by the administrator before the surveyors picked through the personal files/documents. What a joke! I laughed quietly at first when the administrator yelled at a caregiver for having blankets and incontinent pads on the floor (a no no) The admin didn’t realize that one of the state ladies was sitting quietly taking notes–the joke is now on the admin now!

I’m taking a stand and I don’t care if I loose my job. I don’t have to work. BB makes plenty of money. I could sit home and watch the lifetime channel and eat junk food all day long, but you know what, I thrive on helping other people. This is my calling for life and if I wasn’t doing this there would be no point in living.

My supervisor, the the RN, Health Service Director, is on my side and has tried to help but she is having severe memory loss herself–and this is not a joke. I have been wanting to do a Mini Mental Status Exam on her because I’m very concerned. She laughs, but inside I now that she is scared. My God this is my greatest scare in life–what if I end up like my patients. My greatest fear in life–who will empty my bed pan or “protection undergarments.” I don’t let the caregivers call them DIAPERS. How degrading!!!


Pouring another glass of 2001 Columbia Crest Merlot. Gee, when I asked BB to pick me up a bottle of wine I told him to make sure it came from the top shelf–but as I’m now pouring this fine glass of wine I noticed the price tag of $9.99. Questioning BB about his mishap. “It was the top shelf at 7 11 convenient store.” He has forgotten my palate has now switched from Merlot to Syrah-In my single days I only drank White Zin, then Merlot and now Syrah–! Oh well I’m still catching a buzz on an empty stomach

Feeling a little guilty about drinking -you know that Catholic Guilt seeping in. It’s been a difficult month.

I could write about the neglect that goes on- poop under the finger nails, tomato soup beards in the morning, urine soaked, only 5 wash clothes for 20 patients–it would go on and on and it’s really too damn depressing for me to write about it. Please just think of the worst case scenario–and your right on target.

I got pissed off and and told the Admin, Expression Coordinator exactly how I thought about their operation. The RN is too meek to speak up and express herself–I have nothing to loose.

There are some drastic changes now. The Admin is quitting, The RN is running scared, the Expression “do nothing” coordinator has her hours changed, charge caregivers have been demoted.

Things are happening.

The Good will always prevail

I guess they are all so stupid they don’t realize it.

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Hey sweety,,,RYN: Thank you to BB and YOU for telling me gently……I agree also! I’m not dying or anything, just wondering WHY I don’t have a great guy popping into my life, even though I am concentrating on my girls and career? Not so sure……… One side of me says” NO dan can’t be happy”, the other says, “yeah, let him be” whateva!

June 22, 2005

You go girl! I wish there were more people who are as dedicated as you are. They are lucky to have you and they should be made aware of this…tell me who they are and send me an address and I will be more than happy to inform them of this…okay, I’ll get off my soapbox now…lol. Seriously though, they are very fortunate to have you.

I get guilty about drinking too, even about the 1-2 glasses of wine a YEAR that I drink lol.. funny Catholic guilt, when we drink WINE at mass 🙂 You sound like a helluva nurse, your patients are lucky to be in your care, so many people just don’t care about those in need. *Hugs*

June 23, 2005

The good will prevail – my husband has the same negative nitpicking going on in his ER. Also, it’s clearly obvious that you do thrive on caring for others. Somehow sitting @ home watching lifetime doesn’t seem like your cup of tea.

June 23, 2005

Yes! There should be more like you!!!!! If I were family of one of your patients I would loveyouloveyouloveyou!

June 23, 2005

Keep fighting the good fight!

June 24, 2005

Yikes, change happens to those that wish it doesnt. Glad you are taking your stand.

I hope the good stuff keeps continuing. I don’t think care givers realize that someday they patients will be them and I hope when it’s me that there is somebody like you to care.

YES!!! MY KIND OF RANT!!! I LOVE IT!!! The State people…always such fun watching upper mgmt scramble to make things look kosher. LOL It’s a joke. But I’m a fighter too. I’m hangin’ on at St.ElseWhere even on LOA. They aren’t getting rid of me that easy. I was just approved for disability and they will be constantly looking within the healthcare I work for (ther are only 3) to find me that

elusive office job. Hey…when THEY have to pay…when it’s money that I am receiving b/c they refuse to find a position for me, they will fight for me and that office job. For now, I’m like you. LIFETIME TV. And my Bible, of course. You go my little Indian friend! Soon those newbies who dole out “shit” for work will be caring for those pts like they should and calling you “Chief”. 🙂

Forgot to mention: You’re a nurse after my own heart. It’s not about the paycheck. It’s about caring and serving others.

RYN: Oh great! Fine shopping friend YOU would be! *lol* ‘Just get them all!’. But I like the way you think. It’s Kevin who would hate you. *snicker* Thanks for the compliment too. *looks around* Love your diary look.

June 26, 2005

I really love your ethical altruistic soul… ’tis a beautiful thing!!! ryn: *giggles* I like your name creations. 🙂

A nurse’s life can be Hell, but we must do this job, because there is no one else.

Hi! I’ve put you on my faves list too. I’m lucky in that I’m only on this dementia ward for ten weeks. The staff there are great. I truly do not know how they manage under such stressfull conditions. I’m not sure I could do it myself, and I say that as an experienced HCA on the acute wards of five years. It’s tough, tough work.

June 28, 2005

That’s what I’m talking about, sista! I used to work in a nursing home, and I was always dismayed at the way some of our caregivers treated the residents. It was very sad. I’m a shiraz girl, myself. 🙂