Thank you

I am grateful to my sister, Teresa, for bringing me here. And to the rest, thank you. Thank you for your words, your stories, your love and friendship. You may not know this (but I suspect you do) that there is a level of communication that lies beyond words, that is more direct, and true. It’s usually there between the words, in the spaces where no thing is. What we share and have shared with our words and especially with our hearts, that goes on, with us, within us, and even without us. I’m glad to have met many fine people here (and especially you) and to have shared this with you. It has been an unexpected joy in these years of light and dark.

I do not know where I will land and feel no urgency to decide. I only know that I will miss you and I will miss this place. Nothing is meant to last forever, except love, and that will never end.

My love to you.

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January 29, 2014

Big hugs…….and you are welcome. Both my addresses are on my last entry, and you can find both of us on Facebook. Hugs./…we don’t want to lose you.

January 29, 2014

I feel so lucky to have shared in your words here Tim

January 29, 2014

with Love.. It has been quite a trip.. I am over at PB and have found almost everyone over there.. 🙂 Take care..

February 1, 2014
February 5, 2014

RYN: Thanks T! I am glad that I have gotten to read you. I’m reading teresa over at wordpress, so perhaps I will find you in her words at some point.