Is it painful to get dental implants?

If you’ve heard of dental implants, you’re probably aware that they may replace any number of teeth, giving you a full grin from top to bottom. If you’re wondering if getting Dental Implants in Hertfordshire is unpleasant, keep reading. Whenever it comes to your levels of comfort, according to a dentist, you have very little to be concerned about. This is why:

Is it painful to have a dental implant?

There is no discomfort during the dental implant surgery since the oral surgeon numbs the tooth and surrounding gum tissue before proceeding to the next phase of treatment. This is especially true if a tooth must be pulled prior to implant placement.

A local anaesthetic is used to numb the mouth, which takes a few minutes to work. The most obvious feeling you’ll feel when the tooth is removed (if relevant), the gum tissues are opened, and the implants are inserted into the jaw is some light pressure, not pain.

Many oral surgeons can use sedation dentistry techniques, such as IV sedation, to make the procedure even more pleasant if desired. This sedative is so strong that you won’t recall much of your therapy.

What Happens When the Treatment Is Over?

The procedure’s local anaesthetic will wear off eventually. That means you’ll most likely experience some slight discomfort in the area in which the implant was placed by the time you arrive home. This is a common side effect of any form of oral surgery, not only dental implants.

Thankfully, medications and cold compresses can be used to alleviate the agony. The majority of patients say the treatment’s recovery period was easier than they anticipated. If you aren’t having a tooth pulled in preparation for your implant, the recovery time will be considerably easier!

What Should I Do to Get Ready for Dental Implant Aftercare?

Having said that, there are several precautions you should take to guarantee the most painless and smooth healing process possible. For instance, once you’ve arrived home, you should

  • For a few days, eat only soft foods. For example, ice cream, cold soups, mashed potatoes, applesauce, smoothies, gelatin, and so forth.
  • To encourage healing and good blood flow, keep your head raised when lying down.
  • Reduce edoema with cold compresses.
  • Take pain relievers and other drugs as directed.
  • For the following few days, refrain from using a straw.
  • Rest up and avoid heavy activities for a few days.

Are you still unsure about getting dental implants? Contact an oral surgeon now to book a consultation to learn more about replacing missing teeth with dental implants!

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