1817 Lady Pains

Saucy Scale: 5

I’ve had an odd new pain.   A "lady-pain" if you will.  It’s been 4 days with a cramping or stabbing pain in what seems to be my left ovary.  That, in addition to a crazy *THING* that exited my body (I’ll save you the TMI) on more than one occasion since the pain began.

Yesterday I was talked in to coming to the OB/GYN’s office for a chat with one of my favorite Nurse Practitioners.  She did an internal exam, took a vial of blood for further exam, an ordered an ultrasound.

The Rational Me knows that this could be as simple as hormones.  The Headcase Me knows my grandma & mommy both had ovarian cancer.

So, I’m trying really hard to not fret.  To not dwell on the scary thoughts that sneak into my brain.

I had a good chat with Boogie this morning.  About my aching ovary.  About trying not to be a headcase.

No good segue…

My cellphone died a gruesome death recently.  I dug out an older model phone from a drawer & had the AT&T store clerk merge the content of the SIM cards together in an attempt to salvage my phonebook. 

Helpful, because I haven’t lost my entire contact list.

Not so helpful, because it also transfered old outdated info which needs to be culled & deleted.

So, here’s the segue back to my icky ovary story…

I’m flipping thru my phone list trying to find the number for my sitter (so that I can make the ultrasound appointment).  I’m scrolling thru the names & numbers…

and it just pops up on my screen:

the listing called "mommy" along with her picture.

So, I’m walking the track, thinking about my misbehaving ovaries, and my mommy…and I’m crying.  Walking around the track.  Trying not to be a headcase about my impending death, thinking about my mommy who had ovarian cancer.  Walking, pushing the stroller around the track.  Crying.  Wondering what kind of a cancer patient I would be?  Crying.  And I figured out that should it come to that…I would be the kind of cancer patient my mommy was…that I would fight like hell.  For my young children, I would fight like hell.

The Rational Me knows that I’m fine.  Really.

I had a nice conversation with a friend of mine.  She told me about her own PCOS diagnosis, symptoms, & what it means for her.  In that respect, she unknowingly talked me down off the ledge.

I’m fine.  I really am.  I know I will be fine.

And if I’m not, I know I’ll fight like hell.

Mother’s day is approaching.  I miss my mommy terribly today.

damn ovary.




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May 6, 2010

I also lost my mom to cancer, and sometimes I get the same kinds of feelings you have, where I’m just so sure that the doctor is going to find something when I go in for my exams. I’m fine, though. And so are you! I also miss my mother a great deal right now.

May 6, 2010


May 6, 2010

thinking good thoughts,

May 6, 2010

Sorry sweets…and I know you will be fine. ryn: Sending you an email now. xoxoo

I was just going to suggest PCOS. I never had any telltale issues, and then about a year after Christina was born BAM! My Dr said having a baby sometimes gets the ball rolling on it. I imagine haing twins would doubly so. Either way, don’t fret. To cheer you up I’ll even let you be the first to know that I got negative biopsy results in the mail today.

I remember when your mommy was going through her cancer. I think it was not long after your mom passed that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Just out of curiousity… was the thing you passed a clot? I’m just wondering because a while back I had a clogged/busted fallopian tube that made me pass clots and it hurt like THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD. They gave me medication and it healed itself. I am praying for you though- you know that.

May 7, 2010

I love you. We will get through this…whatever it turns out to be.

May 7, 2010

Hugs!! Praying for you

May 11, 2010

Sending prayers! Love,

What came out of you? Decidual cast? Something worse? I need TMI. How are you?