Craziness ensues…

Let me get you all up to speed with a re-cap of my last… month?!

Mitchell got his dream job…. we’re moving across the country… just bought our house two years ago so hiring a property manager and will rent it out… Mitchell literally leaves TUESDAY of next week and starts Wednesday… I quit my job after a year and a half and will be funemployed / packing my life away for the next month and a half before I move end of November…

Anyway, a week and a half ago, my great uncle died somewhat unexpectedly which was incredibly sad.  It’s my grandma’s last sibling, and she moved to be in the city where he was.  Secretly, I hope she considers moving in with Mitchell and me down south (she has often times visited the state we are moving too, it’s known to be WARM and she loves it).

So as most of you know, Mitchell got this job – but timing in life is a bitch, is it not?!  My boss at my current job got married and went on his honeymoon for two weeks!  So I literally sat around work and did nothing, because I felt like it would be better to tell him to his face that I would be leaving the company.  So the first day he’s back, 9 am, the first thing I tell him is hey – sorry, this is my last day because when I WOULD have put in my two week notice, was the day you got married.  Not ideal.  Anyway, he totally understood, the good part about this is I had warned him about a month ago that this might be coming.  So I wasn’t just quitting and blindsiding him.  I can sometimes be an okay person.  Haha.

I’ve been “fun-employed” now for 3 days – however, I’m super excited to share I got a job in our new city!  I’ll be a manager at another tech company, and I start December 3rd.  What a weight lifted off my shoulders that I can relax, focus in moving and get us situated and THEN start my new position.  Very very excited. 🙂  Also, I’ve never had an unemployment break this long LOL.  This will be a nice refresh and recharge!

So anyway – the next step of our new job, new city move had taken place.  Bosses were notified and Mitchell had his last day at his company (After 14 years!) yesterday.  Me, only 1.5 years – LOL – but enough to be sad as a I definitely left an impact on my former employer.

Now, comes the not-so-fun part.  Currently there is a housekeeper upstairs (I’m in the garage with my crazy dog), we have our new property manager coming Monday to take a look at the house, and then a couple of moving companies are coming Monday as well to give us estimates.  Despite me not working in November, Mitchell’s company is going to keep him on in November as a “consultant”, and pay him what a month’s worth of my work is, lol.  Because shi* is going to be EXPENSIVE… so much to pay for – we have to ship one of our cars, pay for the movers, probably pay a mortgage + rent a couple of months BOTH…

Because we are renting our house out here in Big City, we’re going to rent a house for awhile in New City until we can save a few more dollars to buy a 2nd home.  It’s a bit more expensive since we are no longer first time home buyers, so we need to be diligent and really focus on putting money away!

Side note – to vent about my wonderful husband for a second.  For some reason, he made our minuscule front yard a priority for the last 2 years.  Which to me, I didn’t give a fuck about it.  We live on a busy street so it’s not like we’re going to like, barbecue out there or anything.  He poured a shit ton of money into it – probably close to $2k, and now, his last week before he moves, that’s all he’s fucking focusing on.  Not getting the actual inside of our house ready, but focusing on God knows what outside in our little tiny fucking yard with a shit ton of dead plants.

I love him to death, but this is super frustrating.  Sorry.  Probably moving stress 😉

Hopefully this housekeeper doesn’t have much time left.  I’m ready to go take care of some things; maybe take a nap.  I need one!  Lol!

Much love!



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