It’s A Long List, So You Better Just Read It

Happy Saturday everybody,

Just trolling through the support e-mail and notes this morning, here are some things I’ve fixed or that are important to note:

  1. Unlocking from notes or favorites page – when you did this, you were being redirected to the front page of OD. This has been fixed so if you unlock from these pages now, you stay on the same page.
  2. Report a Problem problem – I found that when people were giving me long descriptions using the Report a Problem link on the Help menu, it was getting truncated (some might think I didn’t want to hear about any problems that were too complicated). Anyways, I’ve fixed that – you now have a full 2000 characters in which to describe the problems you may be having (that are OD-related).

    This reminds me, please don’t leave reports of technical problems or Rules violations in my notes. I read my notes too sporadically to make this effective – always use the Report a Problem or Report Rules Violation links on the Help menu. And to make that really effective, try to go to the page where the problem is, and click on the menu link when you are on the problem page. The system reports the page address to me, so that makes it easier for me to track down.

  3. Notes on entries that are changed to private – if you had a public entry, got notes, and changed it to private, the notes would remain on the notes list. This has been fixed – if you make an entry private, the notes become private as well.
  4. Spell checker – there is a weird problem going on with the spell checker and the WYSIWYG editor. I’ve confirmed this – sometimes the spell checker will let you change a misspelled word, but when you return to the editing screen it doesn’t change there. However, when you save the entry, the correct spelling is saved – weird. I’m trying to figure this one out, but since both the WYSIWYG editor and spell check software are written by people outside OD, it may take awhile.
  5. Notes by person – some of you have noticed that this doesn’t seem to work. The problem is that in the “old days” (like 1998-2001) the way we stored notes (and especially the name of the noteleaver) was somewhat different, and less efficient. These older notes are not sorting correctly into newer notes, if you ask for a sort by name. I’m working on this one – I hope to have a solution shortly.
  6. Private/Public entry count – wasn’t showing the correct number of private and public entries, if you edited an entry and changed it from public to private (or vice versa). This has been fixed – it shows the right numbers now.
  7. Index # of Entries – on the diary indexes, the number of entries that was showing was the total entries, not the public entries (minus those that are private). This has been fixed so it shows the total public entries now.
  8. WebTV – there are still some problems with saving, but they seem to be limited to people who are using the older (over three years) WebTV Classic. I’m working with Microsoft to figure this one out, but if you are a WebTV user your display problems should be fixed (at least).

That’s all for now – I hope everybody has a great weekend.

The DiaryMaster

Log in to write a note

I’ve been bad about leaving notes about problems on your notes. Sorry. I’ll try to remember to use the problems thingie.

Thanks for posting this entry. It must have taken you a long time to do this entry. Anyways thanks for the tip about the rules or technical problems. I have never noticed that it will put where the issue is so you can check it out. Talk to you later.

I also hope if you report an issue it wont go against you. I mean I wouldn’t want to be kicked off diary just because I told you someone said something they should not have. Talk to you later.

thank you

Hi there, I know you only check these notes sporadically, but this isn’t urgent. First of all, thanks for allllll the technical work you do behind the scenes. I too manage an interactive site and am aware of all that needs to be done. I REALLY love OD. Thank you! I’m a bit disappointed at the new limit on length for entries. Can this be lengthened at all? Thanks again.

Is there a way I can pay for someone elses subscription for a birthday gift? I dont want to ask for their password or anything to do so. Can you help me?

i’m trying to get into my other diary only it wont let me do alt codes on my computer anymore for some reason so if you could change my name from New Creationtm (the tm is the alt code) to just new creation i’d appreciate it thanx my email addy is

hi, i was just wondering what the “reader’s choice block” was and what it does…thank you!!

I love you

Thanks for all your hard work. Is there a way we can merge 2 diaries? – for those of us who used to have one in each place. My “plus” sub has long expired, so both my diaries are plain OD ones now. But I don’t like being a split personality in this reunited world & I only had the 2 to keep up with friends on both sides anyway. A lot of the entries are the same, but there are notes in both places.

Thanks for all the ongoing improvements, ESPECIALLY the notes by person function!

I made my diary a long time ago and i write in it still but it wont let me like change my diary description to change the front page so if u could help me on that note me back! thank you

I need to report a problem, but I can’t find the option to do so under my Help menu. Only options that show up are Open Diary Help, The Rules, About Open Diary. Yes I know this is private, but I can’t report a bug the usual way nor can I find a way to email you. Problem is I can’t access one of my favs, and they can’t access me. No problems with the others.

hi DM, thanks for working so hard to keep OD in order. thanks.

You are a sweetpea