Snow has arrived!

Yesterday was a cluster as far as the weather is concerned. I took Nora, our chocolate lab, to the dog park in the early afternoon when it was 58*F outside. It was windy but nice. Around 7pm we had 4″ of snow on the ground. Welcome to Utah.

Emma had an appt this morning with her doctor for a med check. I thought it was last week and showed up which was no big deal. Today I thought it was at a different time. I dont know what’s going on with my brain (exhaustion, that’s what) but I have managed to mess up the same appt twice. Haha! Luckily, due to the weather, there were some cancellations and she was able to get in a little later. Meds have been adjusted and hopefully this makes a difference for her.

I stayed up late last night finishing The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. Aidan is reading this for school and I told him I would read it with him so we could talk about it then watch the movie. He spent the first few days being ahead of me but I finished it last night without problem. I told him he should try to finish today since he is home from school (President’s Day) so we can watch the movie this evening. I don’t have high hopes that he will finish it but a mother can dream, right?

I paused reading The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin to start The Girl on the Train with Aidan so I will be going back to it this week. I think the book is good but it’s slow and there are 131 chapters.

I have class in 45min and don’t really feel like going. I would much rather go to sleep, haha. I am working the late shift this evening so I may try to take a little snooze between the end of class and the beginning of my shift. I should have about 3hrs if all goes well.

I mentioned a few entries back (I think) that I am working on a blanket for myself. I have wanted to make this “textured checkerboard throw” for a few years now and havent really sat down and made myself do it. I’ve been working on each of the squares (20 in total) for about two weeks. I work on them as I read textbooks or listen to lectures or audiobooks. I will have the 5th square done today. My goal is to complete this before June. Also, I think I may need to alter the pattern and add more squares because it will be a little smaller than I had in mind. It’s too late to go back and increase my hook size to create bigger squares. They are measuring around 8.5″x8.5″ each right now so a few more won’t take much additional effort.

What a boring entry.


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February 20, 2018

I love snow!!! I could live with snow all year long I think. We are finally getting some much need rain here in Austin. Much love!!

February 27, 2018

I love The Girl On The Train. I remember not being able to put it down. I have this thing where I have to read the book before I see the movie if one exists. They’re pretty close.

February 27, 2018

I find movies like Girl On A Train to be intriguing because I have no love for the characters, and kind of don’t care what happens TO them, but still want to see WHAT happens. I haven’t read the book but I did read Gone Girl and felt the same way about it. I didn’t even like the main character (or anyone really) but was interested in the outcome. I think that’s a sign of a good story.

March 4, 2018

@sorrowsfade I agree, I just wanted to know what happened! I was sucked into the plot more than the characters.