
A spider taught me that means hello. So hi, it’s been a while since I’ve done this in fact I think I have two previous diaries on this website somewhere. I don’t know why I am even starting one of these since it’s just like Facebook. Anyway, I am here. I exist. Tethered to this world until my time runs out. To witness beauty. Pain. Wonder. Sorrow. How tightly should we hold on to anything we call ours? Whether it be a relative… Or a teddy bear. Sometime I’m going to have to rise above the murky waters. And find a way to carry on. I’ve been numb for a good while… I exist… Like so many of you. I breathe. I see. I taste. Just like Facebook there’ll be a record of me posting things. I’ve made many marks on this earth on people for better or for worse. I have no idea what I’m going to leave behind? If it’ll even matter? Of course it will matter to the ones close to me. My mom and my dad, my family and my family and friends. As for other people I have no idea whether you’ll see my face. And people have seen my face. Many know of me. I just don’t know if I’ll ever make it to being part of the world like I used to be.

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