Oooh Weee Oooo!

Absolutely excited about the Doctor Who anniversary episode coming on in just under a week! I’ve been all giggles and excitement about it for months now, and as it gets closer I get more excited.

In other news, I’m still without work, but I’m trying not to let it get me down. Had a fantastic interview with a pharmaceutical company on Friday. I’m hoping to hear back this week on a second interview, and then fingers crossed for a hiring offer from the recruiter. I’d be terribly excited to work there.

Since I’ve been on here I’ve had exactly two friends update their diaries. Making me wonder whether I should continue writing as it seems to be for no one. It’s a conundrum. I know I won’t delete the diary, I’ve had it for too long. I mean, I’ve been a member since OD started back in the 90’s, and this particular diary I’ve had for going on 13 years. 🙂 It has chronicled my high school years to now, one month before turning 30.

I feel terribly old at the thought of turning 30. An uneasy sense of foreboding as I haven’t really accomplished much. Ah well. I’ll have another ten years till I’m truly old, right?

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November 17, 2013

RYN: I did see the preview on Children in Need (it’s the only thing I watched on that). An Adventure in Time and Space is on on Friday on BBC America