R.I.P Arthur “Sonny” G. Powers

I really need to write in here more often. I only think to write when something terrible happens. That’s going to change…after this entry. *sigh*

Joe’s dad passed away last week from a massive heart attack. He was only 56 years old. It’s been hard on Joe I can tell. He is strong for his family but I have seen him cry twice now while we were alone. It hurts so much to see him hurt. We went to the memorial service on Friday. His dad knew a lot of people. He had his own construction business, and owned a lot of property in Brunswick. Cynthia, Joe’s mom, is left in a big mess. There was no Will. Nothing. Joe’s dad took care of all the finances, taxes, and rental properties. She doesn’t have a clue what to do. I feel so bad. She’s so overwhelmed with everything. I wish I could help her, but I don’ think there’s any thing I can do except to be there for her if she needs us. The night of his death we came home and went through all of his stuff in the kitchen. Joe, chrissy, James, Cynthia and I counted over 30 grand that was found in thier kitchen. I was blown away. Cynthia wanted to make sure we got it all together and put it in a safe place so Joe’s older brother and wife didn’t get a hold of it. I’ve been told his sister in law stole money from them on numerous occasions. So anyways, it’s just been super stressful for cynthia. I hate to see her so hurt and sad. I couldn’t imagine what I would do if I lost Joe to anything.

Since I got out of the hospital, I have finally got the apartment together. We painted and it looks really nice. It feels like home finally. With Erica gone, things are just amazing. I fell in love with a wonderful human being. Joe is the sweetest guy I could ever ask for. He does so much for me. He ALWAYS opens my car door for me. He always takes out the trash, helps me around the house, and cheers me up when I am down. Most of all, he is always there for me when I need him. Always. We get along so well and have so much fun together. For some reason I don’t think that will ever change. I don’t think we will ever get sick of each other. People say we are a sickly sweet couple. 🙂

Work is going good. i got a raise. Including my shift differential I’m making $14 an hour. On weekends I make $15.75 and hour.

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January 14, 2014

Dear Friend, I’m a couple of decades older than yourself & am lucky to be able to say that my father is still alive, I admire him so much & also dread the day & time that your friend Joe is currently going through. As I’ve not been there yet I’ve no great words of wisdom but I think your “just being there” is a really good idea & pray that I may have someone like you when I am faced with this.