this is what captures you

She’s not looking for love she’s looking for sustainability. She’s looking for someone who will lift the covers to let a little dog slip under the blankets to sleep. She’s looking for someone who will toast her a perfect marshmallow. Who will roll around on the ground with a three year old nephew. Who will bear hug a friend they haven’t seen in two days.

To spend a first date in the sunshine and grass and laugh-talking for hours without that tense screened conversation of just meeting. Someone who can recognize that slow iced venti double shot straw chewing as flirting, the head tilted hair flipped over shoulders. Someone to sweep two handed face cupping kissing off your feet. Someone who doesn’t know how to play the game. Calls if they like what they see. Do you?

If I were to write a story about a girl and girl who find each other it would not involve the internet. It would star a clinched coffee shop with this girl, hand in hair and a fist gripping pen, enthralled, writing something so poetic and perfect it drew you in from across the room where you were ordering something tall and strong and later when you kissed me your mouth would be drenched in caffeine. Instead I am underwear clad and poor posture, hunched the computer and trying to type something to sell myself.

I am sugar coated bad habits. I leave my socks on the floor like little donuts after a days work. I make pancakes for myself on Sundays and wish you were here.

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