Thank You, Wopsie, For Saving Me Again!

Since we rescued our tabby cat, Wopsie, from the streets in November 2022, we think she was about 3 years, she’s so far saved me from 4 nightmares/horrible dreams!

Last night was the 4th time. It wasn’t a nightmare, but just a really weird dream .

In reality I wear a normal bracelet on my left wrist but on the right I actually wear a red cat collar with a purple bell. I never take either of them off.

Again I was havingĀ  a bad dream and about 6 this morning little Wopsie laid on my right shoulder, sang really loudly in my ear, kept tapping the bracelet bell and kept tapping my face and rubbing her face against mine to wake me up.

I don’t know if she can sense what’s in my head somehow but she’s brilliant for bringing me out of those horrible things!

I gave her lots of kissies and cuddles and some Dreamies added in with her breakfast!

Hubby told me he’s seen her trying to wake me at various times and she goes to him and snuggles in with him looking concerned.

It looks like she loves her mummy!


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