A Brief History of My Foreskin Restoration.

I originally wrote this for a forum. Like I said, a different audience will allow you to write about things you’ve otherwise thought you’ve beaten to death.

It started with the acknowledgement of being circumcised. You grow up, you go through puberty, and you just assume your penis is the way it is. You can’t fathom it being any other way. You notice the way your penile skin seems to “stretch” when you become erect, and you just assume it’s supposed to be this way. There’s a dark colored ring around your penis, and you just assume it’s supposed to be there. You need artifical lubricant to masturbate. (I preferred lotion, myself.) A completely natural function, masturbation, and I couldn’t do it without artifical lubricant. I didn’t think much of it at the time.

Then I realized what a foreskin was. Then I realized I was circumcised. I wrapped my mind around, “Wait, there was MORE to my penis?” First, a sense of loss and being out of control. Of hopelessness. “This was done to me without my consent and there’s nothing I can do about it!” I was lucky enough to have a (female) friend kindly suggest restoration, that there ARE things I can do about it. I promptly wrote it off, I thought I didn’t have the emotional fortitude for it. However, the seed had been planted.

By 2003, I bought my first tugger, a TugAhoy. The majority of progress I made during those two semesters with a tugger trailing down my leg and attached to a sock. I discovered a new way to masturbate, without artificial lubricant. I’ve obviously had restoration endeavours since, but by the spring of 2004, I had partial flaccid coverage. With a nice bikini brief, I could maintain coverage in my underwear.

In 2008, I bought my second tugger, a tlctugger. I consider it of far superior construction and would recommend it to anybody. I’ll tug off and on, though I can’t seem to remember. So there’s a bit of a lack of consistency. I remember joking that my goal was to have a foreskin by the time I was 30. A long-term project. I figure puberty takes a long time to grow a penis, so expecting a new penis overnight is a little arrogant.

Which brings me to the present. When you first get into something like this, you’re so angry and you just want to stab people repeatedly who JUST DON’T GET IT. With a knife. Maybe rusty. But definitely sharp enough so you can really get all those stabs in. Eventually you mellow to a degree. Genital integrity for both sexes is pretty damned important to me. But it doesn’t need to be the predominant thought on my mind. And it’s not worth it to get upset every time some ignoramus decides to alter their kids genitals without their consent.

Life goes on.

I also have to say that T-Taping never made any sense to me, whatsoever. I just couldn’t figure it out. A tugger is cheap, easily cleanable, and doesn’t require adhesive. : D It also looks like cock bondage, which is kind of hot, ha ha.

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December 6, 2010

And this is exactly why I did not circumcise my son. I did not want him growing up and one day feeling the way you did before you started restoring your foreskin. A lot of parents don’t seem to realize that just because they’re the parent doesn’t mean they decide everything about their child’s body, for the sake of convenience. I didn’t even mess with my son’s foreskin when he was a baby. His dr told me not to, so I just didn’t. now that he’s older, I pull it back a little just to clean while bathing, but even then it’s just with water and only takes a few seconds. I never once thought it was “okay” for me to cut off a part of him. that’s why, even now, I ask his permission if I’m going to cut his hair. it’s his body and i have to respect that. even if he is only 5 years old.

December 6, 2010

Is it wrong that I was more interested in wondering thatit would be interesting to see before and after pictures to see whether or not the tugger definately works. lol x